Dramatic Living Room and First Autumn drama review!!

Oct 24, 2012 22:23

This season's dramatic room is established at Tamori's well, living room.
There weren't the Iitomo cast like on the spring show, but it had Kimutaku instead of Tsuyoshi. Also no Pingo combi (Shingo-Yamapi) because Monsters is on a different network. Ikuta Toma sat next to Nakai promoting Osozaki no Himawari.

It always amazes me that it's supposed to be aired live and having people like Nakai and Tamori san being experts at Live shows, it's to many people to make a smooth show. And trying to do this "home" setting, trying to make the staff unnoticeable it's difficult.

Also, I took a million caps, but I'll try to not extend too much.  (Disclaimer: I can't quote/translate exact lines, everything is interpretation XD;;)


It was really pleasing to see Seto Koji (looking quite grown up!) and Tokuyama Hidenori alternating with Kimura & Nakai.
Still, I'm not interested in Tokyo Aiport, even if Seto Koji is there, sorry Fuka-kyon.

Favorite Guests: Abe Hiroshi (who is really tall, as you can see and so damn modest!<3), Kiritani Kenta is adorable and Kanno Miho is a queen, and I know that every season she appears I say that I adore her, don't mind me.

So far my favorite cast: Kekkon Shinai.

Priceless cast. I don't know why Fujiki Naohito is so dull on interviews (even on Oshaerism) and he totally disappears in this kind of gatherings (too meek and polite?).  Karina and Kimura have nice chemistry and checking the drama, seems that Priceless will be an interesting one, despite all the critics about Kimura not being able to play a "poor/homeless" character.

Basically they decide the order of promo screening with challenges between all drama casts.

First Challenge: Questionary about dates and everybody had to answer on circle boards (bad planning not making them erasable like in other variety shows). >>;;

Second challenge: Arm wrestling Biggest surprises: Abe Hiroshi LOST and Tamaki Hiroshi, but Setomaru looks a bit heavier, so no surprise there.

Kiritani Kenta won the arm wrestling match and got his (and Toma's) drama team to introduce his trailer. (BTW, Toma's pants were HIDEOUS, almost Hammer style! DD:)

The girls were on a janken tournament and Kashii Yuu (Noriko from Yukan Club and the Teacher on My Boss, My Hero) won , so they run Toma's promo twice. Bad idea, Nakai, there are still other people's promos! >>;;

Third challenge: Archery. Kimura hit twice the bulls eyes and proceeded to troll the rest of the guys. Poor Tokuyama- kun, he was quite out of the zone, Setomaru did relatively good 70 points twice.
I found particularly rude that Abe Hiroshi, Tamaki were trolled during their shots. This way, they ran the Priceless promo.

Fourth challenge: after a round of dessert,  paper plane throwing. Tamaki's plane threwn by Kanno Miho flew the least, 30 cms,XD  while Abe Hiroshi's flew 8 mts and fell in the middle of the pool. So they got to screen the Going my Home promo.

Fifth Challenge: To rush things over, they used the pirate in the barrel game to pick the next promo to screen, and was the turno of Tokyo Airport. Damn, Kaname Jun is gonna be in that drama as well.

Even when Kimura tried to rush things, seeems that despite being only 2 teams they should compete to screen their promos. And probably they would run out of time and not have promo time. >>;;

Koukou Nyushi seems like an interesting drama (if highschool bullying and other conflicts are your thing) But as I don't like Nagasawa Masami that much (that's why there are no caps, sorry), probably I won't watch, though I'm interested in Tokuyama's role, because he's co-starring. Random question: I wonder about Last Friends, because Masami is almost as tall as Nishikido, lol. XD I was pretty amazed at Masami being taller than Karina when she looks so huge. Or Nino is just that short, lol.

Sixth Challenge: They played slipper!pinpong. >>;;

Then they finally passed all the promos and made another jankenpon tournament. Fujiki Naohito won, so they ran the PRICELESS promo again. >>;;

This time they didn't do the guest relationship chart about who were casted the most together. Like last spring. I like trivia, so I was looking forward to that section. Seemed interesting, since Miho Kanno had worked with Abe Hiroshi and Fujiki Naohito, while had worked with Masami as well and so on.

Loling hard that at the last cm break Kimura, Toma, Fujiki-san and Kiritani Kenta were fooling around at the pool when they were back to air and had to rush into the house. XD;;

It was entertaining in the sense you'll get to see actors interacting, but sometimes it can get a bit boring.
I was amazed as well at how polite and shy many of them are. I thought that Abe Hiroshi was a bit more outspoken but he really gives space to senpai actors, doesn't try to steal the spotlight like Kimura, for example. And I do like Kimura, but sometimes I wonder how much is a personality thing or because that's expected of him, being the centre of attention.
Kiritani Kenta is such a fun, witty guy, and yet so nice. He can talk with anybody about anything, not a shy one.

First autumn Drama review:

1. Kekkon Shinai:

[Do I need validation to be single?]
Do I need validation to be single? This drama begins with a statisticaly overview of single people and their reasons. People who aren't on the marriage stage but they want to, people who gave up marriage for their work career and people who don't think are fit for marriage. This three character will befriend each other and then we'll see how they evolve.

I'm so invested in this drama for the Kanno-Hiroshi pair, though I suspect that this drama will end NOT getting them together, because well, this is Japan. But still I liked it a lot.

2. Perfect Blue:

[Detective drama]
I was dubious about this one, because Takimoto Miori will be slated in the "nice girl" roles till the end of time, but I liked a lot the detective dog's (Masa!) narrating voice (apparently from the original manga), the female detective team and the mystery around the father's dead. And they have Deiku! <3 who also seems to be casted as a detective till the end of time too. >>;;

3. Tokyo Zenryouku Shoujo:

[Adventures in Tokyo]
After the angst fest that was Ikimo Dekinai Natsu, it was a bit refreshing to see Takei Emi with a cheery role, though at times she's too genki and you won't believe her luck. I thought I was watching a local telenovela at times.
I thought she would be able to find his father by episode 3, not on the first one.
I'll be watching for Miura Shohei, who'll probably end friendzoned, like in Hana Kimi, Hungry, etc.
Oh, and there's Tsukamoto Takashi (Runaway) as a single dad too, working for Urara's father.

Still have to watch Priceless, Monsters, Piece, Ooku, Double Face, Osozaki no Himawari.
And someday there will be a Kamen Rider Post.

P.S. Still tricked until Halloween.

smap rabu, je i want my brain back, jdramas, drama review, lame recs

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