Happy Birthday, Tacchon!!
I can't believe you're 27! Eito baby is a complete grown up!
Ahem, I didn't meant it like that, but yes. XD
I'm really happy about his work on Mikeneko, because he's silly and he can do it even when he says his comedic timing is bad (compared with Nishikido, you're brilliant!)
Still I miss his chubby cheeks and his bum
Well, there's still a bit of it around XD And something extra that proves that IT EXISTS!
Thanks for being such an awesome and hardworking, even when you only eat on fics, I love you.
And I love him the most because watching the Musekinin Hero vid, I just paid attention at his placement at the office.
We're totally soulmates, Tacchon (Yes, this says a lot about my productivity nowadays).
So Viva Tacchon, Viva Viva Tacchon!!
* The NEWS playground is active again!
If you want to write NEWS fanfic, there are plenty of chances, like
NEWSficon exchange (until may 26th!) and celebrating Masuda Takahisa's Birthday, Butafest.
A Massu fanworks challenge
In Butafest you can claim a prompt for fic/art purposes, so please check on the list and the rules if you find something interesting!
* Still without internet at the Den. I'm trying my best keeping up with dramas, but basically I'm digging up old files. XD;;
I've been having weird dreams, first Tohui, and then an ominous one. I hope it this end well.