Unpopular opinions about Countdown Concert

Jan 02, 2012 00:18

First of all: Levi, finally watched Leap Year! It's really good!!


How come NYC performed at Kouhaku and for countdown, even with album releases both Nakayama Yuma and Nakajima Kento were both at the bench? Sexy Zone was a pre recorded performance? O.o

Yes, I clapped when I saw NEWS but I SQUEALED in my living room in front on my dad when I saw Shonentai (huddled with my laptop while they were watching Indiana Jones, mind you).
I don't care much of the Andalucía song, but yes, Massu happened to be caught on video in his most unfortunate moves.
Massu seemed slimmer than usual, or were maybe the clothes. Or he was distracted by Tegoshi Maru while singing Bulldog. Massu must have been pretty hyped for countdown, because he even borrowed Tegoshi's hairspray and changed a bit his hair. XD;;

Definitely, how many time does they have to run an essay for the event. again, poor juniors. They're the most hardworking guys in the history of ever. >>;;

I don't like Tackey, I skipped Arashi, sorry. They  were freezing on that roof after all, but meh.

It's WRONG to have that SZ kids saying "sexy". It isn't the same when Sakamoto says it. That Shori (how was written?) kid won't be the next Subaru, BTW. D<

Poor Hikaru Genji guy, falling from his rollerskates. This confirm my theory of Kisumai being really badass rollerskaters, because that shiny stage  scare me a lot, must be really slippery.
OMG Uchi with FIVe, will they do something else this year?
Sadly no Toma this year.  ;___; at least Kanju got a ticket!

On the epic Eito segment, I wonder if they take turns, it's Yoko's evil planning to embarrass Nishikido further or they wanted to be in fron for his first countdown with NEWS. I totally thought Hina was sweet potato, but seems like a rotten carrot? I couldn't hear properly with the movie playing in the living room. That's how much my japanese suck that I didn't got the karaoke. XD;;
WTF is wrong with people? 70 000 yen for a countdown ticket? O.O

Junno, I love you. Does Ueda does something extra with his eyes? He looks younger and handsome. Kame is Kame.

I don't know what Hikaru has done to his hair, I can't believe I prefer the blond.

Sorry, Yamada doing the click on Real Face? WTF.

And well, I almost got wanked at Arama commenting about Yamapi on CDTV because time ago, when Tegomass went to the Music Hour, Nakai wanted to hear to Yamapi's thoughts after the NEWS reallignment.
Of course I didn't expected less. There's a line to follow and of course he treated better Yamapi than Jin (though he was pretty neutral and over the assignment), still teasing but in a pro way.
Was it me or Jin didn't wore pants THAT baggy? :O

Arashi as the next 24 Hr TV guest? Then they will collect a lot for relief.

je i want my brain back, kisumai is rollerkasting love, arashi bandwagon, pin domination, i'm into news for the member ai, the insanity of k8 fandom, be afraid this is a kat-tun tag

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