The year Eito went mainstream

Nov 18, 2011 19:25

This morning arrived my album. And the FedEx bastards taxed me. It had 2 magazines: CanCam, Anecan and FIGHT Regular Edition and Limited B.
It was only $223 pesos but %$&#(&uckers, I haven't been taxed before. I don't know if they calculated 15% of the value, or because of the weight (almost 3 kilos).
I've received an package by DHL with 4 magazines that was heavier, 5 kgs on USPS without charge, months ago FedEx delivered my Tsubusa ni koi singles without charge. What.The.Fuck.
Arrggghhhh. They really ruined my morning.
It was a good thing I didn't add the MISS magazine into the order and that I haven't choose them for my AnAn mag, because they totally open the packages.
And Cd Japan has a disclaimer for aduanal charges. :/
O well. /rant

Anyway, here I go with some notes and some screencaps. I have to make the most of my delivery.
On the other hand, the booklet of the LE B edition is pretty nice, kudos for the kind souls that have shared their scans because they're quite glued at the spine and probably broke on the scanning process.

The booklet for the regular edition features the fugly sport suits from Johnny's net, so I assume the LE A edition hast the Monjya costumes and the baseball antics.

It's interesting to see the numbers. Why 8UPPERS didn't sell as much? Because it was so damn expensive.
I could only buy ONE edition, not even the regular one last year.
Despite this, it was a good conceptual album. I really like 8UPPERS, more than PUZZLE.

In this one, they're trying other genres (though there are still crack songs eito-style), so the audience and the new fans will tell if it's good or not.

Comment in the new songs (still have to double check who wrote what):

1. Basically Monjya BEAT is a song of keep walm and carry on or suck it up like a man and go forward eito style. XD;;
    And the PV is absolute crack.

2. I like the sound of Uchuu ni itta LION, you got me at the trippy sound. And the message of breaking out to new worlds.
Supposedly this song was written thinking on Eito. I wonder which song they'll perform at SCP. My vote is in this one.

3. Fight for the Eight: we're all badass and we're gonna pwn. Eighters gonna eight. With a lot of swag.

4. [T.W.L.] You would've thought that they wouldn't top the crack of this one. Until Monjyai BEAT.

5. Fly High: This have a fun electronic vibe, basically the album is pretty upbeat.
I wonder for which song Yara made the choreo that everybody is complaining. You can do a steady ryhtimc dance for this one, but who knows which one is.

6. [365 nichi kazoku] Personally (sorry Tacchon), their weakest single of the year. Last year LIFE for GM Odore Doctor was amazing, but this one was pretty meh. (And Maru looked fat in the PV. XD;;)

7. Dye D. What's with Yasu and bittersweet songs. But with this one Yasu went all out. XD;;
BUT. WTF with the english. They didn't learn with Glorious. >>;;
Even I can see that something's missing in your english lines, Yasu.
But this one falls closely to my suspicions for Yara's choreography.

8. Water Drop
We welcome the autotune and more engrish. And R&B style, a different one.
Probably the one I like less.

9. [Tsubusa ni koi] I can't believe that I like look more fondly to the suits. It would have been a good retro theme with YPS.

10. [YPS] I love this song. This is my song of the year. Trying to get screencaps for a new layout, realized that while everybody have had closeups of their instruments, Subaru doesn't. >>;; I have to crop a full shot.

11. FREEDOM riron
Yoko likes that one. Sounds like aimed to a general audience, with the metals gives the vibe of stantard poptune.
Or like  a tv show ending. XD

12. Kagayakeru butai e
Another upbeat one. Reminds me of Ai no Mukkate, but I don't understand it yet, there aren't trans around for this one. XD;;

13. [MY HOME]

More of a ballad and in this we have Subaru voice a lot over there.
A mellow way to end the album after My Home.

Most of the songs are quite bubbly, also they're definitely trying new genres and they make me so damn happy.
I hope that for the tour they'll get to sing I to U. Too bad it isn't in the album.

About the solos: Is it me or all of them are too long? Over 4 minutes.
They don't get the pop tune timing right. XD
In some of them the arrangement sounded like a filler. >>;;


I LOVE it. It's silly and cute and probably it speaks volumes of Yoko's parenting desire, but I have high expectations for the concert, so I hope they'll do a nice perform. Probably the song's menaing it's all about going together for yakiniku.
But yes, this is totally a lullaby for my firstborn or my next nephew/niece. XD
And the making was really cute. Maru looked really nice with his suit (probably from Strawberry Night filming) and Yoko is adorable with a stubble.


Subaru shows he can stand by himself in his solo. I like it more than his PUZZLE solo, WORDS, and that's something.
Thanks for using easy vocabulary. XD I love you too, you're welcome.
And he looked really cute with the kids in the making, also it was interesting to see how he was enjoying the development of the song and having fun with the random ideas.

Yonayona yo NIGHT
I wan't to know how the hell Tacchon, Yasu and Hina will perform their song. It's so crazy, completely Yasu style. Sounds more like a get drunk song. Full of crack.

I wish you could see what I did here, but Hina is too far, and none of the closer takes makes his pants justice.
Viva Viva Shin-chan!!11
I like more Eitopop but this at least makes you smile.
And they had lots of fun in the making.

You can appreciate how Hina really uses lots of concealer or dropped Proactive. XD;;  
And in your fangirl moment of the day, Tacchon borrowed Yasu's ring.

I never like Ryo's solos. Monologue is the exception. Still is.
Can you stop being so pretentious with the english titles? Thank you very much.
That's my own opinion, but I've seen there are many people dissatisfied with his solo.
He had to suffer some backslash and not only on the tabloids.

Haven't seen the trans for the song but I still wonder. If Monologue was a song in the making that he just pulled up and reworked for 8UPPERS, that must mean:
a) he was dead busy to compose something.
b) he was probably saving something for a NEWS project.
This is it? I can't believe I'd like better a fictional single than this.
Totally played safe. But if I think in Stereo and Ordinary, that's his line. And I almost forgot tht Hal-Down exists.
I like John Mayer, I know pretentious author music. I like sappy classic rock.(oh, Donna, ohhhh, Donna)
But really, evolve. Stop watching La Bamba.
Now that watching the making, yes, he worked hard, but no. Still don't like it. D:
That's why you don't have a screencap of his argyle sweater or how he totally checked out the strings girls at the studio.

Random thoughts about the PV making.

I haven't noticed that Yasu bleached his eyebrows as well. O.O
And if you ask me, in Padise Kiss I was expecting this kind of look for Arashi. Sorry, Kaku Kento.

Maru was amazing in this vid 

In the final cut, Yoko barely acknowledges the girls and she don't touch them because he got all nervous around them in the making, and you get why he was so hyper at recomen about this PV. XDD

Subaru didn't had any issues, like Ryo.

He hid well his furry issues. XD

And this is Hina blowing.

And my confession Re: Monjya BEAT

I'd really like to think that the "Eighters" and extras in this PV are such different types because they aim to a bigger audience in which everybody from everywhere can be their fans, and not because of a sloppy casting.
Ok. I see them pretty common.

materialism will be the death of me, je i want my brain back, music, procastinating is a sport, the insanity of k8 fandom

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