Ready to run? Summer 2011 Dramas!!

Aug 02, 2011 15:59

What a sucky week without LJ. D< In times like that, you realize much of your time LJ takes, because you end lurking around. XD;;
That's when Tumblr becomes THE source for everything. XD;;

Like when I saw the first previews for the Kanjani single I squealed and clapped like a damn seal and even the coffee lady said, "Yes, get excited with the boys!" ::dies embarrased::
But. they look so cute!! *____*

This is a belated fandom roundabout, but surprisingly enough, got time to watch some of the new dramas this season. :D And I have my laptop back, so there will be chances to catch up with the previous season. XDD;;

Believe it or not, he can be a good romantic lead: Zenkai Girl is awesome.My reblogs on tumblr must say more than words about it.

The kid who plays Pitaro is the cutest thing in the history of ever. Apparently smarter than Gakki and Nishikido's roles.

I love the fact that Nishikido has a love-struck, light character.  Be ready for the bomb notice about his lovechilds, but after all those daddy roles there won't be any complaints.

(Sorry for my uneven pics, photobucket and LJ are being bitchy with my caps >>;;)

A light love comedy:
I confess I'm addicted to Ikemen desu ne!

I like the lead girl, Fujigaya is so gonna get his heart crushed in this (a gentle role, different from Misaki Number 1!)

Tamamori (I finally learned his name) is an adorable sparkly eye lined tsundere bitch.
Just one word: Proactiv, to handle better the close ups or at least make the takes from the other side.
(Su cara de fuchi es increíble!! XDDD)

Hikaru has good comedic timing and his delusion theater can kick Nakatsu's (from Hana Kimi) ass.

They got the cutest twins ever for Mio and Miki, not the crappines they brought for the end of the Doggy drama. This speaks a lot about the budget. XD

Also I love the role of fandom in this. The fangirls and al the gossips by internet really do for a group. XDD
I'm even considering to watch the korean version, as if really have the time to DL and watch XD.

Damn Kisumai, this kids did a good job with the single presentation. Damn, here I go to a new fandom (_ _)* You give me rollerskates and I'm yours.

Points on Host Club:

I laughed lots at it. The lead girls is kinda fine, I love the Takagis thought they still look awkward at the twincest thing, but there's still something missing. Even when they try hard witht he visual effects.

Yamamoto Yusuke is a bit old for this but him being over the top maks this funny. Though this won't tops still his Kaaa-GA-mi days.
I don't like the Hunny sempai kid. Was it really hard to get Chinen (oh, yeah, he already grew up) something really younger and chibi for this?
I prefer Daito Shunsuke being the loud grumpy kid we're used too. He looks too neat as Kyouya, but oh well.

A remake: Hana Kimi.

Nakamura Aoi, I love you. I love you more as BECK's Saku, but you can do this.
Miura Shohei works hard he's a good Nakatsu, spazzy and bubbly, a complete hothead, we'll see if he's able to do it.

We have Yanagishita Tomo doing the best he can: crossdressing. But he's the psychic guy, he's only tagging along. XD

And the BAMF that Saito Takumi is. *____*

Somehow this looks a bit closer to the manga, and the Toku Army has me here.

Like KaGAAmi himself, Sato... what is his name now? I rememeber him as Sato Tomohito. XD;;

Tokuyama Hidenori (Grasshopper form KR Kabuto) as Oscar (Isn't he old for that? O.o)

And I know that in the original manga Namba Minami has indeed dark hair, but I miss my chubby Marui.

Female role models: Hanawake no yon shimai.

It's interesting the fact that seing how different the Hanawa sisters are, there's a view of female roles. How they perceive the career woman, the naive type; how people categorize women: being too beautiful makes you a slut? It's necessary to abuse it to get through life? Because a woman doesn't beahavior like the standards of a japanese woman is a loose woman?

Ok, maybe her "common sense" isn't as accurate, but she doesn't hoard the alimony, she takes care of her kids (who are really cute XD)

Even when you see her mom as the domestic type, her back story tells she married out of love (and got a douche husband but whatever) she cut family bonds for the men she loved and dedicated herself to him.

And don't get me started about Shige's character. (Though you can see my bias XDD)
He's a playboy because of mommy issues (typical) as his mother ran away when he was little, so probably he's compensating. :/

His acting level is lower than Tacchon (though in Umameru he upgraded a bit). I don't know who's coaching him for the playbor role, but the smirk doesn't do the job. Though the voice does wonders, I dodn't noticed how low is his register. XD

This is his "I'm gonna smex you up" look. ::dies laughing:: Kusano, do us a favor and show him how it's done.

He looks really good, he's at his best taking photos.

Though I suspect my thighs are bigger than his DDD:

I really hope that if they really pair him with Mizuki Arisa, they need to make a good scriptwriting job because until the 3rd episode, I.can' Or probably he's looking a mom in her, I don't know.

As a bonus. We can has Kenken in a minor character!!! (BTW, is he gonna change his hair for Saint Seiya Myu? O.o)

On the other hand, Eita's drama seems to be ANGSTY as hell, but there's Kazapon. I wonder if they trade Toma stories. XDD

* KAT-TUN at Music Lovers: I feel kinda bad that seeing Kame's Creative Dance (credit on the pic)

I can only think of this:

(of course, only a bunch of people would get this)

But really Junno is the hottest thing ever on the "Run for you PV" I don't care if he really looks like Changmin. XDD
* Shirota Yuu has another single and the idea of Maruyama Ryuhei having a tongue piercing is ming blowing.

jdramas, i'm into news for the member ai, the insanity of k8 fandom, be afraid this is a kat-tun tag

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