The time you feared has come: Weekly Eito Flailing

Apr 15, 2011 13:15

credit of gif: cookiesmon at tumblr

1. OMG, I'm so happy I got the YPS version!! I love the vid.
    You give me retro and I'm yours. <3

This is what I meant about high budget.

Plz ignore that Yoko keeps doing anything but the bongoes and a random 'Yeah!' along the song.

OMG, Subaru, so awesome.

Random Yasuba moment >D (because in any moment on the vid the memebers overlap but here)

And Tacchon, even if you're that skinny.

In his drumming glory.

And my favorite part: guitars *______*

So shiny!!

Well, him too!

There are leak audios for the next single!! And stil haven't preordered "My Home", but I have evil plans to do so next week when I have some cash and I can use my points to get both editions. >D

And my DVD just arrived to my post office, so I'll claim it later or tomorrow morning. 8D
I cheated  and saw  few clips and the wink killer game is so gonna make me tear up!!

Next week on Kanjani8MAP: Yasuba, it will be lots of fun! Also they will be on Music Station!!! I wanna see their band performance, hoping they'll be in better pitch this time. XDD

2. So Akanishi won't be a pirate but a samurai. You don't know if it's a good or a bad thing to be with Keanu Reeves for it. XDD
   Also, I confess watching Yukan Club on youtube. Yoko and Junno, the things you make me do. And because I want to see the crossdressing. XDD

3. Apparently the crazy NEWS fans campaign has begun all over again, asking for group activities.
For fuck's sake:
* they went to marching J.
* Ryo is really damn busy, with his drama and promos for Eito and 24 hr TV soon.
* Koyama is on NEWS Zero,
* Tegoshi just finished a drama, he's a regular on Itte Q
* Shige has been in a couple SPs and will be in a variety,
* Massu was on Kinpachi SP, is on radio and there will be promos for Tegomass no ai DVD
* Yamapi just finished his tour. Probably Yamapi will be in a  summer drama
They're BUSY. And probably they will realease something on summer/autumn.
So could you please SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP WHINING?!?!?!?!

With shit like this people don't like NEWS fans. You panic for nothing and claim the group is over and stuff. You're annoying.
(And I suspect I'm more annoying for knowing their damn schedules by memory ^^;;)

4. And because I want to be annoying as well, I can't wait for doggy's drama.

Probably there was more to be said, but Eito killed my brain.

je i want my brain back, jdramas, i'm into news for the member ai, the insanity of k8 fandom, be afraid this is a kat-tun tag

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