The end of the theories: 8UPPERS post of doom (first edit)

Oct 23, 2010 11:00

But before, I can talk about Kentaro and Takkun so you can scroll down later.
Probably I'm behind the wagon in this, but really Kentaro is working a lot. O.O 
That night nabe show thing is weird (but it still has a lot of tenimyu guys in it), but a play about sentai? He has been a fairytale prince before, so something about sentai is still plausuble. But what made me squeal like mad was a stageplay with Nakama Yukie (Gokusen's Yankumi)
Even if he gets a role like Matsujun on the stageplay on the Natsuniji drama, it makes me really happy (and the idea of a period costume always make me happy).
I got it, Kojiro, you want him to learn to act first or something. Or bring the big air head guy around stage before throwing him on TV, I don't know.
Or dress him up.

And Takkun in a mini series? Yes. Probably it's a midnight C series drama, but he looks big on the promo (seems like the girl in question is a part timer in a combini, but that's the only thing I got. XD;;;) JOKER was popular enough so I'm really hopeful for more gigs for him. <3<3<3<3<3

Today after stalking the EMS tracking service (there was no way they would return a package of mine AGAIN!!) finally got my 8UPPERS copy, even when I had a bitch fight at the post office and return a second time with the track summary to shove it in their faces, because they stated they gave the first announce at 10:16 when I arrived at 10:40 and said there wasn't anything for me yet and there wasn't ANY notice on my  P.O. box.

Excuse the bad pics, will edit later the cover one. Ninja pics at work are srs business.
It basically looks like a DVD case with two disks, the booklets and stickers, but I flailed all the same while opening it.

The album is the one with the red tape and the black one is the DVD.

The stickers


the booklets has the lyrics and in the design has imaginery of the members, not pics, so the booklet leaked a few days ago is from the Special edition.

And a leaflet about the club, where you can see the website pic.

On the other side seems to be the schedule at club8, featuring cooking classes with Jacky ans special events. There should be scans around, but it was full of references to past singles and stuff.

So at lunch time caved and put on the clip and flailed like mad.

Now, are you ready? There are only some tiny notes, because they're spoilerish, many people has already squealed about it and I don't have much time for this.

They made Arsenal the coolest gunman in the history of ever but his prowess needs to be giffed, sorry (maybe edit at home) He really rocks with a gun. *____*

(That's him, the one slumped at the back)

And how he's all grumpypants and broody about everything. Until he carries the baby.

I got a revelation. He could have been totally Ryosuke in BECK. ::fangirls::
Another revelation: I'm afraid my arms are thicker than his. DDD:

Hello, Scull-chan!

Subaru pwning Ryo's prowess at darts. is. priceless. Talking about Ace, he has special moments. ::points to icon:: I tried to get the Animal Magic PV gifs, but stupid avast blocked the link and can't DL it. XD;;;
I'll blame Ace's boxing failure due to his loose shoelaces. :P

It's loltastic how he's a baby charmer. The baby cried most of the time he was with him, you can see it even in the Director's Gift.
Also seems he's the Oceans Eleven's Brad Pitt because he's all the time eating. And channels Mel Gibson with irrelevant loss of clothes in scenes. Lame reference: There was this Emilio Estevez parody of Lethal Weapon in which he supposedly walks around nude and the chick asks: "What's that for?" and he adds, "Its just an injustified nude shot". :P 
I suspect the tan was for this role, so not dumb "got this tan while surfing in Okinawa" excuses, please.
I didn't invented the Arsenal/Ace subtext. IT IS THERE. there's a lot of touching and looks. OMG. ::flails:: I expect fic for this.

Random notes:

Yoko's driving skills. OMG,the van!!<3 I don't think he barely did a thing. He had his moments and of course he's cunning yet cute (when he cried while reading the children book, OMG ;____;) And the interaction between Mac/Jacky/Gum at the mall were brilliant.

Do they talk in kansai ben? I barely got anything! T_____T

Yes, Maru is the sweetest thing and still manage to steal the spotlight and his fighting scenes are cool! The fighting scnece with the stroller!! 
Hina is his usual loud self and you can see that was filmed before using proactive. :P But he's definitely ready for his Getsu9 drama!! XDDD

Toppo was really cute in his character and still had great scenes and good chemistry with the baby.

I sense that Tacchon was the weakest as Johnny, despite being the conductive line on the story. And maybe I missed it on the dialogues but I sense NADA about him towards Jacky. I sustain my theory about Mac/Jacky. But what I can say is that he looked great all along, even in his skinnyness and carrying around little Eito. :(

I wonder what might tell this baby in the future when he grows up and be told he starred in a movie with a weird bunch of guys. XDD

Hope there's the behind the scenes clip soon because the director's gift wasn't enough.
There are many things probably missed, AND  O-E subs has already released the subbed version iof the movie!!! ::flails::
So probably further caps will be added later.

And we have yet to see at the end of the month the concert's concept. :DDD
So far the concert goods are announced so here goes my cash again. ;____;

je i want my brain back, conspiracy theories, movies, the insanity of k8 fandom, myuboys, jdramas, mail happiness, kane-chan is love

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