Procastinating thursday! Summer Dramas of 2010!

Aug 19, 2010 21:20

On the Eito front:
I refuse to believe in a fan dokkiri for the club8 site. The rest of the vids are pending, so if there's a fan dokkiri, they should make more expectation presenting the rest of the individual PVs and the end of the Prologue. Until then, the fan dokkiri or the rest of the story will be on the next album?)
As you don't give a damn, I'm ommiting any theory about the name of the band characters according the notes on the site (it might be revealed anyway next week) and just plainly rejoice that I finally got to see the van outside the club. XDD probably they're meeting until the 25, when the single is released and the next step of the site will be unveiled. (Maybe the interior of the club?)

But let's get into a few notes about the new drama season! (And i know that I never talked about Tumbling, but I'm really behind in that one. >>;;

1. Gegege no Nyobo:

This morning drama is about the married life of Mizuki Shigeru, the author of the manga Gegege no Kitaro  from the wife's POV. starring Mukai Osamu and Matsushita Nao (Mizuki Arisa's  rival from Ohitorisama). A more decent review can be found here at Yanie san's LJ who is working on subbing this epic drama (156 episodes!) Each episode is 15 minutes long but it's currently the king of ratings and well, it's Mukai Osamu. ^^
Another point aside Mukai Osamu? It's based on 1961, I like backdated dramas! :D

2. Natsuniji:

Personally, that black and white CM didn't told me ANYTHING about the series. But after watching the first episode, so far so good. Matsujun meeting her destined woman who seems to be the one to make him really grow up, would she bring out his acting potential?
I love Takeuchi Yuko roles. [Insert some Bara no nai Hanaya gushing of doom] But if you want another example, we can talk about Lunch Queen, where she was a strong woman who could stand by herself and speak her mind out. And she kicked ass with the best smile in the whole world, and if you happen to watch Flash Forward, she's already there! :D

3. Hotaru no Hikari 2:

If you thought that Amemiya grew up on her time overseas, apparently she didn't. But somehow I can understand. She got caught on work to be reliable for her buchou. Now this season will be about her relationship development and as being a work relationship it isn't still in the open, so we can have some rivals!
And this is when Mukai Osamu attacks again. XD His character is definitely a bit better than Kazuki, or at least he plays a guy with his intentions in the open and without shyness about them. And he's lovely at it.

This is definitely Osamu's year, I still want to see him as Taira-kun in BECK. *____________*

As a random fact, we can see the pair t-shirt previously showed in Yamanade!!

I wonder if this a special brand or something. ^^

4. Does have any sense to talk about JOKER or I can spam you :D?

Date Kazuyoshi is a police with a dark past, he witnessed his parent's death and learnt the hard way that you can deal only with evil being evil. So he has this avenger side business with the help of Mikami-san, former detective who handled Date's parents death case and took Date under his wing. He has its own dark past because his wife and son were killed too.
So far they were doing their avenger business well, until the arrive of rookie agent Asuka, which happens to be the younger sister of a former detective who died in strange circumstances (yes, probably Date has to with it), then Saeko, Date's ex-girlfriend and former detective as well, want to do a report of the strange disappearances of criminals who couldn't be brought to jail.
Add to the mix a burnt nosy forensics agent with a dark past as well who wants to get in.
So things will get difficult for the avenger team and might lead to a huge underground conspiration (an off borders prison?)

If you were wondering, Tuti and Takkun along Hirayama Hiroyuki are the three evil stepsisters who chase and handcuff the bad guys, they're evil stepsisters because they don't give a damn about Date and Co. :( But look well in suits. As you can see. XDD

In ep 6, we'll be able to get Kudo's story! in which he'll shed manly tears. I can't wait for the sub!!!!

5. Nihonjin no shiranai Nihongo

Probably Naka Riisa's character shows far better style than her usual self (if you already saw that HnA VIP talk in which he dressed the Arashi guys ^^;;) but he has a nice comedic style and dressing up is her forte (if you saw her in Hachi-one diver).
A salesgirl who wants to be a high school teacher has to graduate a group of foreigners in japanese language, in which you can see some of the gaijin clichés but other interesting cultural tidbits (though I don't get still some language puns ^^;;)
Also you can see that America is only seen as USA, latinos don't have the means to be gaijins, which I KNOW it's true but it's kinda sad the lack of representation and I can only bask in Hina gushing about the Spanish soccer Team and Shige talking about his Spain trip and hearing that EVERYBODY wants to go to Macchu Picchu but not Teotihuacan. /rant.
Cortés went to us, people!! (because timeline will say the Caribbean and Central America was first in the Conquest XDDD)

And that would be all. As there are no yet subs for GM Odore Doctor, I can't talk about it properly, only gush about Tacchon in his outfit.

* I've just been astounded by Rafael Nadal's (lack of) acting prowess. As if I didn't got it on the Shakira's video. >>;;

* I need a brainwash. There's this popular band named Camila that has a sappy ballad  "Everything changed" linked here  and if you want the mp3 I'll track it. Everybody but me like them. :P  I was on my way home a few nights ago and it somehow screamed ryoshige to me. Too bad I don't write any fanfic. XD;;; I always fail in this fanmix things so I can't really explain why a song with such sappy lines as  "everyhting changed / when I saw you my life in black and white merged into colors" and "Before I spend more time with you I have to tell you that you're the love of my life" got me that vibe. XD;;;

* I can believe (ok, even with the chicken legs, lol) this

dated Ayumi Hamasaki, but I can't believe this (the one at the right)

did it. XDDD

On the other hand this mannequin five thing is the cruelest thing EVER and probably is able to kill any guy's self confidence. DD:
And the judges were stupid tarts who couldn't identify Marilyn Monroe's hair even if it was on a skull but this should be a east vs west thing, but if at least one was in the fashion business they should have a tiny idea of pop culture.

je i want my brain back, jdramas, is tokio on je for realz?, arashi bandwagon, conspiracy theories, lame recs, the insanity of k8 fandom

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