Good morning, starshine...

Apr 30, 2007 10:01

Morning everyone!

After the trip of doom and the moving disaster from weekend, I can tell that I'm still alive and kicking.

I'm in such high spirits that I didn't care too much of working in the afternoon, despite all the things I have to do (pay bills, set the housing in Puebla, including bus tickets, and random stuff at the apartment). So I'm in the pirate ship for the time being and catch up on stuff.

There's no much to tell, that I still have to sort my books and plushies next weekend (man, how the hell I own like 10 white teddy bears? ^^;;)

Apparently Vid's edition of DN is not THAT crappy, at least the orthograph isn't that bad, although the translation is not uniform enough, but still the dialogues make sense, the cover is regular, it's a shame that it don't have Viz' size and that equals incomplete panels, but still it's cheaper than CLAMP Campus Detectives and the size is bigger.

Guess this is it for now, I have to breakfast, call my house guest in Puebla at noon and read Reposoir, Pix, Whisper fics for the thesis.

So hope the week have begun just fine to you :D

P.S. Contrary to your belief, but no, I'm not on acid XD

death note, manelick

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