Tell me lies later, come and see me, I'll be around for a while...

Apr 26, 2007 11:12

There's nothing like two fics to start the day ::sends more love to the writers::
Which make me happy, since I'll have a busy weekend, I won't have time to catch up on the flist. ::grumbles::

Pagemaking is going... fine, I guess, I'd love to finish the 2nd short-story today. I don't know if I can manage it.
And after that I have to run again ::sweatdrop::

Also changed some icons;  yes, Juuta-kun kicked out Yukimura.
And the current icon is my way to accept that I like this kid. Since Ratzinger thought he made us a favor eliminating the limbo, I'll burn in hell directly without scales, so what?
See ya, back to work.
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