KR Decade Ep 03: Drama king ahead!

Feb 12, 2009 19:57

Yes, Natsumikan, I agree with you. His Atobesque self with all "I'm out of this world" can become obnoxious. But guess it might be on a Rider nature. >.>

This screencap is a gift for the Masahiro fans who aren't bothered about the series and as I'm not screencaping but my favorite character, let's begin with some imperssions:

* I forgot to say previously that this "Deca-a-a-do" thing seemed out of Max Headroom >>;;

*With this Ane-san thing Ryouta is such a drama king!!! T_______T  (He's so much love!!)

 I wonder if the DCD gang happenings affected the original Kuuga timeline, was she supposed to die anyway? >.>;;

*We have the Rider Bike out of nowhere, as always. XDD

*And there's the accustomed rivalry UST between riders:

*But still Kuuga will go help Decade because he has his personal agenda... err, he wants to help people, world peace and all, so his dying crush will be proud of him... or something. ^^;;

*Now with that line, there's no way to help Tsukasa. >>;;

*As we haven't seen Kuuga, let's suppose that this final bug form makes sense. I doubt that it only tickled. ^^;;

*I suspect that he will be like Kobato, his mission is healing people hearts (lol) making them smile and then he'll be able to portray them!!11 :P

Now I'm intrigued about Kiva's world. Which kid is that one?? o.o

kr dcd, toku talk

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