Did you miss me? XD Kamen Rider DCD Ep 1!!!

Jan 29, 2009 17:55

I know I didn't finished Kiva, but before the enthusiasm for this new release fades, only a few notes,because I don't have enough time (therefore my screencaps are suckier then ever. XDD)

Introducing travelling in time and helmet hair : Kamen Rider Watermelon Decade!

This series will cover one of the obsessions on previous series: time and now we have a focus on image too.

* Our main rider (Tsukasa) wants to capture this world in pics, though he has some focus problems. And he comes out from nowhere into the Hikari household (any clues with the name?)

* We have our female lead who seems a bit strog willed with long hair and short skirt/shorts. People aren't cold nowadays? O.o
Seems that he has an idea about his rider function, or at least that he's not the same as others. After seeing that there won't be a world to take pics of, he takes over his role.

* There are parallel worlds, where all the previous riders collude.

* Yes, there's a self improved Wataru.

* Still I'm not all "ZOMG Inoue-san!!!!11" at all, still he has to define his characterization but the has a good beginning, we'll see how the character develops. And he certainly looks different all long limbs and tall. XDD

* Nice art direction, the variety of locations give us a different perspective, a different kind of city (where are we in this series? Still at Tokio?)
effects. It will be interesting to make all the locations from previous set to look alike, at least demands a bit of researching.
 I believe this series will depend a lot more on CGI because of the riders and enemies, also they're going tot ake out lots of props, suits and stuff from the warehouse, I only wish they don't abuse them. XDD

* Worms, fangires, imajin, and miscellaneous enemies= SCARY.

* Curiously, even when doesn't know WTH at all, he still knows how to do Hensin. Guess that will be unfold along the series, crossing all those worlds and meeting all the previous riders.

*Nice travelling device, BTW. :D

*If it's going to be a 30 EP series, there must be 3 Eps per world, and lots of references to get in!

*Ryota looks great as a Rider. But I'm biased. This cap particularly looks hilarious. XD

So the season has begun!! Any thoughts?

As I'm terribly terribly busy and not so confident about watching in time this season, I'll probably feature tiny tiny comments only. ^^;;

kr dcd, toku talk

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