On Rikkaimyu... ::insert big squee::

Apr 04, 2007 10:59

To Yuki_scorpio and giving_ground who could see that live: what an incredble experience.

We can see more complex choreographies and an upgrading production level on each myu, and how they adequate the story to make it fit into scene.
DL3 is a favorite (but because DL4 isn't out yet), I really liked Rokakumyu but THIS is excellent.
I only had time to see the myu and I need to rewatch the backstage but I can make some points:

Many people dislike 3dr Seigaku, (I'm half and haf about it) but we have to recognize that cast by cast the guys have a big task on their backs: relay on canon, add their own intepretation and avoid comparisons between them and previous myucasters.
As for each rival team cast: meet the expectatives fans- expectatives and in most of the cases top them. Thank god the recent casts can sing or can do an average singing (sorry, but the previous Echizens were bad), and if they are off key, well, we just have to see the choreographies, sometimes I'm tempted to count how many of them each cast has to memorize, but the outcome scares the shit out of me, because I'm such a lazy ass, so these guys work really deserve so much respect.

On the Rikkai cast:
Even tear-eyed, I can't see Kanesaki's Sanada as an uke, sorry (OMG, the bitchslap, the bitchslap!!!, and the enemy of straw!!! ^///^ And one doubt: the Hakama is supposed to be that open at the sides or he needed a bigger size of it?)
I do believe when Yukimura gets better, it's gonna be the queen of bitches, beware Atobe!
D1 is made of WIN, there are no words for them, they're awesome; Masa-kun rocks and Baba is eeeebil XD, really different from his journal's pics (since I can't read him, I cant tell how is he)
Genki does a good Kirihara, a surprise indeed. And WTF with the ducks? he poses with toy ducks on the photosets?
D2... They indeed have nice chemistry, you wouldn't belive the outcome of "Bloodshot" when you hear it on the OST. Kiriyama makes a great Marui and Juuta ^///^ as opposed to the genki smiley bouncy boy from his blog pics, he makes an awesome Jackal (I'm biased if you please, whatever) The expressions! and he can be forceful (Fire!!!), but so sweet with his partner and hilarious, and the voice!! ::squeals!!!:: Yes, the world needs more Jackal love.
Kento, I finally realized what was off with him: the eyes XD, because he can't wander close-eyed on stage. He can make a grave tone, which resembles anipuri's Yanagi, and sings regular, and he's tall, and adorable and yes, he'll take the world. Yes, we'll see his match vs Inui.

Yes, this musical was about Rikkai, they really shine in this production, which is partly bad, because since the arc is divided in two parts, they could give more space to Rokkaku ::cries::, but any Bane is good Bane. And Irei takes the spotlight in a good way, even when people think he's to happy to be Saeki. At least there's gonna be some Shabadaba daba at DL4.
It seems that the myus are close to manga canon, so what is next after DL4 and the 2nd serve: Higa (will Pix be happy with the outcoming cast? Don't give her Shirota's comeback as Kite!! XD) or Senbatsu (to give more time on the plotline for Konomi sensei)?

Well, this notes were taken at 1am, So I leave it here.

PS. D1!!! D1!!!! D1!!!!

pot, myuboys

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