Your laughing guide to KR Kiva Ep 26!!

Sep 03, 2008 20:05

I'm afraid I got enthusiastic with my screencapping, sorry!!
As I don't want to hit my image limit, I'll be doing a couple separate posts. ^^;;

Kiva 26

In this episode: Masters of puppets, Killer Queens and Purple haze!

Otoya believes Maya is Yuri, while she's waiting for him on their date spot. Otoya, you fail.
In the  future, Wataru mopes because of Mio-san. This family is totally helpless. >.>;;

Curiously, there's no Emperor form in the credits for the series, they're taking a while to include it!!

Mio-san keeps running away and Bishop ask her if she has made up her mind to take over as Queen and do her job.
Mio-san replies she don't believe loving someone is a sin.
 But Bishop informs that if she refuses, she'll be chased to dead.
And that before she found her King, she'll have to achieve her potential first.

Nago san reports he has lost IXA and gets scolded by Shima-san, because he blamed Megumi for that, telling he isn't able to recognize his own weakness. Apparently, Otoya's lesson didn't made IXA's handbook.

So he'll be reassigned, but still don't get it, as you see.

Megumi looks for Mio-san while Creepy fangire stalks around. Bishop orders him to kill Queen so he'll get Megumi in exchange. This way, Bishop will succeed. O.o Don't ask me how, I don't know chess rules.

In 1986, When Rook finds Otoya and Maya again. She calls over the game, to have the chance to know the secret of love.

In 2008, Mio-san tries to do her mission and kill a fangire, but after asking forgiveness for his girlfriend, she let them go, but Bishop gets the work done and gives Mio-san a lesson of how to do her work.

(Despite the awful looks, he has a strong backhand, btw)

She flees to Wataru's home asking for help and she faints. Wataru gropes her tries to wake her up.
Wataru thinks that playing the violin to a sick person will help but what he need is a nursing guide. >.>;;

Back in time, Otoya remembers how to play the violin,XD and suddenly remembers his promise about the ring (though he can't see Yuri's face in his memory.)

When Mio-san wakws up, Wataru promises to be stronget to protect her, but she runs away at the first chance.

Otoya goes to the sea (isn't that woman hot with the boots on the sea side? O.o) and looks for the ring, as he promised. In the meanwhile, Yuri arrives looking for him.

Wataru keeps looking for Mio-san, as she's found by Creepy fangire.

But Megumi and Nago appear again to the rescue, will they succeed this time?

(in an unfortunate cartwheel we get to Nago-kun underwear waistband >.>;; What? Sight is quite natural!!)

Creepy fangire taunts Nago-kun using the IXA system (seems that this system isn't as selective as Kabuto zecters ^^;;)

Back in 1984, Maya asks Yuri the meaning of loving someone.
She answers that love is living for today, continuing to love someone is living or tomorrow.
As Otoya dives looking for the ring he drowns, because forgot that HE DOESN'T SWIM AT ALL too.
After being rescued by Yuri, he remembers Yuri.
(Actually, you forgot about Yuri this entire episode, dummy!)

Can you see the flower thing? Otoya makes flowers bloom with hs music and the rose never wilted despite the heat and the travel.

In the present, Nago and Megumi keep stumbling with each other trying to defeat IXA!Creepy fangire.
(Actualy, his moves made me think a bit of Ryotaros, isn't it?)
As they FAIL really hard, Megumi plays her triumph card: flattering the fangire... steal IXA...

So Nago moves his ass and finally do something.

Wataru looks for Mio-san and when he finds her, Creepy fangire does too.
Unable to transform, Wataru gets beaten until unconsciousness.
Then Mio-san get really mad, with a purple haze chases the fangire away. I know is a purple aura, but hey, I'm a Hendrix fan and I have all the moves named all wrong, ne? XD

In the meanwhile Wataru had the chance to transform and he's going all serious in Emperor form. But getting mad at having Mio-san protecting him shows a machism issue? O.o Just saying.

Anyway, we get introduced to a new weapon: Garulu fever, err, a fired up saber, that's all. ^^;;

Don't ask me where the Garulu saber came from, possibly the same place the belt and the discarded Den-O pass are hidden. ^^;;

Nago goes to Shima-san and gives back the IXA system.

Shima-san tells that as he aware of his weakness, he became stronger, that IXA is to fight against evil.

The question is: does he really know what is his weakness? O.o
With this expresion:

a) he doesn't know how to smile, b) Or he just succeded in having IXA back.

Believe it or not, Creepy fangire didn't died. That's a persistent spider. But Mio asks him if he loved a human women, so according to the manual, he's good to get rid of.

With a purple moon (not a red one as Maya) Mio kills him and assumes her new Queen form. :O

In our next episode:

Wonderful Aozora Org is in danger!

A journey through the past?

The craziest encounter ever and IXA's new form!!

Yeah, I know you already saw it, so bear with my enthusiasm. ^^;;

This episode's Den-O commercial is about Go-onger's summer movie, while KR Rey looks from afar. >.>;;
And the final ad is again for Kiva's summer movie, with the Circle of life as background music.

Note: This episode's screencaps are from the Order of Zeronos fansub.

kr kiva, toku talk

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