Are you ready for the spam? Your laughing guide to KR Kiva 16 & 17!

Jul 11, 2008 01:13

Trying to catch up, so here I go! ^^

KR Kiva 16

This episode gives a pause to the Rook arc and will continue in further episodes (as the policy for each arc in even numbered ones).

So In this episode:

Two riders think better than one, Dai-chan has a heart too and if Kiva has a castle, IXA has a... tractor? O.o

For a moment, Yuri retrieves IXA for herself, after Matsuda's ass gets kicked.

In 2008, Wataru & Co. meet again with Emi-chan and are invited to eat at her family restaurant.

Dai-chan is interested in learn new things, but it would have been good if he washed his hands first. >.>;;

Now that Otoya is out of the hospital, Jiro's only choice is to ask Otoya for help to defeat Dai-chan. Yes, more subtext,
ellipsesbandit! XD

In 2008, Dai-chan gets closer with Emi-chan but also gets hints about his past too.

In 1986, Jiro and Otoya team up to get the IXA system back and get down to business with Rook.

Nago-san remembered to appear, YAY!!^//^ At least to boast about his new tractor. XD

Otoya can be quite cool when he wants to! XD But I don't know if applaude or laugh with their joint attack >.>;;

When Dai-chan recovers his memory and lash out in Fangire mode,even killing his own fiancee, there goes Wataru's soft spot: his denial gets his ass kicked.

When in danger, Kivat calls Nessie building for help, and Nago-kun happens to be nearby.

An occasion to take his new tractor to play! And he brings the balls! XD

How this episode ends? Kiva is knocked over and gets an appointment with the Nessie building members ::gasp::

Any dragon were harmed during this episode shooting!

In our next episode:

More weapons, alliances and of course, music!

Note: This episode's screencaps belong to the Order of Zeronos fansub version.

KR Kiva 17

This chapter is full of roses, apprentices and duels, so it will be image-heavy! XD

In this episode:

A journey throught the past, violin tutoring and catfighting female competition!

Why so serious? XD

Wataru is asleep at the Nessie Building while Jiro & Co. discuss if eating or helping him. He's so bony that there wouldn't be tasty, if you ask me. >.>;;

Anyway, we learn that they made some sort of pact with Otoya so eating him is a no-no. XD
For a moment he sees the 3 chess rider forms but then wakes up at his apartment, recalling about a promise his father made.

Days later, he's still brooding about Dai-chan and his fangire-meter.

On the other side of the city, we have Nago-kun trying to keep playing hero...

... but as he's going bonkers, he FAILS at it.

HARD. Probably he didn't take his power milkshake or some Frosted flakes for breakfast.
He gets his ass kicked and the bandit runs away. (No pic for that, poor Nago-kun!!<--actually, all of them came out blurry ^^;;)

But we all know that Nago doesn't let go easily, right? ^^;;

Shizuka-chan is worried about Wataru and aks Megumi for help, but Wataru is already on an endless journey to discover himself or something, despite Shizuka's eforts to find him.

Back in 1986, Yuri has a mission for Otoya: tutoring a violinist. Otoya agrees if she goes out on a date with him. To his surprise, Yuri agrees.

During his sulking trip, Wataru meets Manu-san,and gives a try into archery. (btw, he sucks)

Back in our timeline, Otoya has a difficult time with his apprentice. But hey, you can't blame her...

In 2008, our current fangire (Sakaguchi! :O) likes sportwomen or something like that, but he's still chased off by Nago-kun. XD
On the lake, Wataru opens his heart to his new guide and talks about his violin while she ask if it's fun at all. Which brig us back to 1986, where Otoya is devoted with his apprentice's training... making her cleaning toilets to pair they debt at Mal d'amour. >.>;;

Wataru arrives to the gym center and meets Megumi, who fights over Manu-san because of him. ^^;;

Here we have our Jito/Otoya subtext cap of the week. They agree to race to get to know who should have the IXA system.

Obvioulsy, for educative violin purposes. XD

In 2008, Megumi and Manu compete with each other too >.>;; Until Obasan feel the strange fangire vibe.

On the other hand, Sakaguchi is still stalked by Nago-kun, who's still obsessed about his button... ^^;;

But he gets his ass kicked. Don't forget he's isn't himself when he gets mad!

While Obasan tells the kids about this strange fangire attack and discover she's a top level athlete, our fangire preys into another victim, so Wataru runs to the rescue. As Kivat is still with a flu, Garury is summoned.

But what we didn't account was that Nago-kun joins the battle... steal the garuru saber...

...and attack Kiva instead of the fangire. O.o

As IXA uses Kiva as a piñata/anger management therapy, Kiva seems to be in terribly danger! :O

In our next episode:

More lessons, Nago's road to perdition and a new weapon is unleashed?

After the episode, there's an ad for Kiva's summer movie, due on August 9th.

(And an excuse to insert another Katokei screencap!!)

Note: This episode's screencaps belong to the Order of Zeronos fansub version.

kr kiva, toku talk

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