Let's have Ecchi tonight!: Spring Jdramas

Apr 23, 2008 19:51

Ok, this doesn't cover all the dramas but a few media, there's still pending Gokusen's subbed version, Rookies, Tenimyu supporters vol. 7 and well, if there's any suggestion for this spring.

Yagami Ren's Be crazy. DVD

Letting aside if Micchi is his father or not XD This DVD gives a better perspective of him:

1. He would be a gorgeus salaryman, if you add the megane, everybody will jump over him. The bathrobe and the waiter act: A++
2. Yes, Ouji likes small cars and if he can ride them the better. Was that a mini cooper? O.o
3. He wants to be Ross Geller when he grows up. But secretly, he steals his father's shirts.
4. He shows his fossil digging skills.
5. There's no sandrolling, but wet closeups. There are no complains about it. XD
6. Question: How you can be shirtless but with a knit cap? O.o And if you thought he doesn't liked dinosaurs enough, he express his love on art! XD

There wasn't any sequence about his bending over pic, but it's better that way. I find this DVD more appealing than the in Bloom one. Ouji may be weird, but he's gorgeous. ^^

Tadashii Ouji etc, etc.
After a killer marathon that let me hanging on the 9th episode,
here are some comments.
This is a winter series and probably I'm the last on the bandwagon, but it's quite entertaining... Once you get over the bad lines, a bit of cardbordy acting and so many stereotypes.
I wonder if this kind of series speak a lot about sentimental education in Japan, what is to be expected in relationships.
As far as I know the girl cast is from a musical group, so with our myuboys, there's a chance for all that popularity, ne?
Also, the girls are overly genki and happy, I suppose it's a nudge to girls of how a teenage should be. Sorry, but I disliked that kind of girls at HS >.>;;

Is this gonna be the drama before Aiba's dental work? I wonder. And how he can be so confident with those teeth. Anyway, that's corrected now. >.>;;
We can see some grow acting on Kouhei.... right? O.o
Kiriyama belongs to another whole dimension. And now we can get most of his blog pics. XD
Kumai is there? Kiva's Kengo? O.o
Katokei's cameo: priceless
Nagayan and Kawai as teachers are adorable! I wish I had a teacher like Kawai, for example. *___________* He can be my extreme sensei. XD

Also wached the second half of RH+.

I don't find Kiyoi particularly attractive, but I like the character a lot. How he can be a bit fragile, so worried bout his boys. ^^
I like Makoto struggling as a character, trying to define himself and trying to understand his past; in many episodes we get a bit sidetracked, but his story us the medular one.
Ray can have this brief scenes where he shines. And yes, I agree in the Masakazu pair.
I really liked this series for a night drama it was quite interesting, not very cheesy and yes, I cried in a few episodes. Oh, the drama. It even piqued my interest to get the manga.
This Ageha is on Aquiarian age myu too? O.o

Tokyo Ghost Trip

Seriously, How Kiriyama can be OLDER than Ouji and Juri???
Kiriyama, we rabu you, you camera stealer! <3
Oh, Koni  is there, right. Hope he gets a nicer role than the Celebrity biyoshounen one...
And it's Gaku supposed to be the Death? O.o
Guess I'll wait until the subbed version.

Kanesaki Kentarou Natural face vol. 6
I found it terrifying in the sense of how complexes are ceremonies in Japan. ^^;; But still Kane-chan keeps being himself, so anything is great. ::is biased::

Absolute boyfriend

My subject was a wink for someone who wants pick up lines. ;D

On the last 2 months Hiro has been in so many magazines, I suppose as a warm up for this series, I don't have an idea of what the articles said.
Didn't you expected more Hiro screentime on the first episode? I did. I don't mind, the robot is cute. Scratch that, ADORABLE. It's Ep1 and I'm rooting for him. ^^
I don't remember much of the manga, but this adaptation is a bit attractive, if not, Hiro wouldn't be there.
And it's curious when we see him from a HS series, to an office drama.  He looks like a nice buchou. And deep down, a nice guy.

Arashi: Step and go.

I haven't seen that one before, I suppose I missed the release and I suppose that's why they are in so many magazines lately. Again with my guesses and I haven't heard yet of anyone being on a drama yet.
This PV reaffirms my theory that Arashi is beyond good and evil and again,like in "Happiness", they bet on simplicity.
There's nothing so simple and retina damaging than this PV: Just them, jumping and singing around with clothes chosen by a color-blind assistant. Or themselves, who knows.
The worst is that such horrid style must be valid. But why they let Nino wear that awful yellow cape or whatever the hell was that. And please, something
They look a bit tired or is it they're aging? But still the song is catchy and they still seem to look happy together. That's important in a group.

So far that's all, I'd like to see a couple of more animes before a post of Doom.
And Kiva, of course deserves a post of its own. XD

And dear God, this Viking Horn song is beyond any myu report said and I imagined XDD

jdramas, arashi bandwagon, lame recs

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