Your laughing guide to KR Kiva, EP5!!

Mar 06, 2008 18:03

OMG!!!!!11 Nago-san is scaaary!!

I must confess I've seen the 3 versions: raw, spanish and english ^^;; Should I add something else to my spoiler post?

In this episode Wataru shows he fails being Olga Breeskin's pupil, because his playing still sucks.
And he won't recognize a stalker if it quacks in his face ^^;;

Seeing the translation, I confirm that Nago-san IS a bastard. And this makes me wonder. Only Tendou can have this Godlike attitude and remember the first Bee Rider in Kabuto? That kind of attitude was his downfall. So then we will have Nago-san becoming a hopper kind of rider? XD

A random Otoya screencap, he will save Yuri in next episode! (Well, I hope, if not, what kind of main character is he?)

Plausible lines of action:
a) Megumi and Wataru are siblings
b) Megumi will develop a Lois Lane crush on Kiva (Wataru)
c) Nago-san is Megumi's dad
d) Megumi and Wataru will be the couple Otoya always wanted to be with Yuri.
e) They will be friends only?

1. The TV nihon forums are fun! (to stalk, at least).
2. I was about to point if Seto has shaved his legs after EP1, as the guys at the tv-nihon forum stated and I won't be doing some screencapping to prove my point, I just leave at it.
3. I can't tell in which sense Shinoda-san Fangire is a sheep, can you explain? O.o
4. Which kind of Henshin device Nago-san will own to have it in his jacket's pocket? Of course that Katokei hasn't even seen it yet!! XDD
5. When Garuru enters in action, where the hell does Wataru go? To Nessie Building?

On next episode:

A creepy stalker, Otoya plays detective, more Elvis!Garuru and a new rider!

kr kiva, toku talk

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