Your laughing guide to KR Kiva: EP3!

Feb 19, 2008 18:49

Well, as I said before, nice jeans.

And this is Wataru's expression at his appearance. ^^;;

In this episode, Wataru tries to get out of his shell and know about his father.
Also, finally we get to see Katokei as a lethal weapon bounty hunter, apparently interested in Kiva.
(You say which kind of interest, 
ellipsesbandit ! XDD)

While I watch I think: "The plot is supposed to be somewhere". Little by little we're getting to know more about the characters, but sometimes it it pretty lame. The suit actor is fine, the Henshin device is cool; since a long time ago, we have fighting girls in here, Kouhei can do his job, Seto plays convincingly a wimp... But something's missing. Maybe with the  side riders it settles, but most of the time is a bit of blah, even when the effects are good, other times they overdo it (come on, we can see there are cables holding the Fangaia/ Fangire? Kiva is turning around like in... which comic? I forgot ^^;;)

Yes, this episodes features martial art!moves, kendo!moves and supposedly pure coolness on Keisuke's character but they didn't screencapped fine, sorry.

But we can have a smile.

And right now I'm reasoning that maybe they get BEST FRIENDS!!11 but Keisuke wants to kill Kiva, and there we go with the conflict. :P

On our next episode:

We can see that he changed the awful blazer at least for a one less fugly, but it really gives me some Lethal weapon vibes.
Maybe he's from the Mc Cloud Clan and because of it has Sanada's sense of style. Yes, I know I screencapped in a weird moment, it was the best take I could (or maybe he really hunches XD).

I don't know, he really likes brown? On his first scene he offers coffee to the guy he plans to hunt and he appears with the cup on the credits, aside that spending his free time at the anti-fangaia HQ or the Mal d'amour cafe...

This post was kind of lame, but I was really digging on the episode.

kr kiva, toku talk

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