Nino Solo Performances

Aug 17, 2009 19:11

[this is another repost of my other entry]

Here are some videos of Nino's solo performances in different shows/concerts. I'm sure most of you, if not all, have already seen these videos in one way or another, but I'm sharing them, since all they ever did was sit here in my hard drive. Maybe they'd make some arashi fangirls happy if I posted them. :D By the way,  I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE VIDEOS. I DOWNLOADED THEM FROM DIFFERENT SITES BUT I COULDN'T REMEMBER THEIR RIGHTFUL OWNERS ANYMORE. I'M SORRY FOR THAT.  :( If the owners may be reading this post, please message me so I could give you proper credits. thank you!

Anyway, here are the MF links. :) You don't have to comment when taking them, but I'd appreciate it if you did. :)

Konseki. Possibly the best Nino solo ever, this song has a chinese feel to it. I also read the translation of the song, and it's really beautiful.
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Regress of Progress.
File format: mp4
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Himitsu. Nino's so cute in this video. :D
File format: mp4
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#downloads, *ninomiya kazunari

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