Gee Canberra is the hot topic of late!
So I have booked flights, it's a short and swift visit. I fly in Sat 7 Feb at 8.30am - Breakfast anyone?? (Also it's be awfully nice to have someone collect me from the airport for said breakfast - any offers?)
I have a party to go to from 3pm until goodness knows when.
Sunday is pretty much free (pending hangover) and I fly out at 7pm (again anyone wanting to give me a lift would recieve extra kudos).
So the things I want to do in Canberra, anytime between 8.30am - 3pm Sat and say 9am - 6pm Sun:
Degas Exhibition EDIT: Sunday methinks
Art + House Exhibition EDIT: Perhaps Saturday after breakfast?
Canberra Fringe Festival on Saturday daytime and possibly in the evening to see miss Chanel perform!
Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, and afternoon teas in any order with anyone ;)
*stay tuned for more things I want to do*
So, you in? let me know!