I had a big post to put here but I'm a bit self absorbed right now to do the gushy detailed account of everything, so, I'll take after
deense and dot point my weekend:
*Having a lift to the airport for a 6.15am flight, and a lift when I arrive in Sydney at 10pm tonight.
*Having plotted almost the entire weekend as a big secret! Much fun!
*Spending LOADS of time with
astemudfoot*Finally visiting
astemudfoot's farm!
*Icing LOTS of gingerbread - I had total icing Zen going on
*Turning up to the Stormhold Winterfeast and watching people's reactions :)
*Seeing people I haven't seen in more than a year
*Wearing the Princess dress again
*Receiving the Silver Drakkar from B&B Stormhold in Court (let's not talk about how closer to tears I was - and am now still thinking about it)
*WICKED! Wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked! So cool, everyone must see it
*Buying a wicked t-shirt and sound track
*Staying with Vandal for SAturday and Sunday nights
*Art Deco Exhibition today at the National Gallery of Victoria
*Lunch with
the_rauf and seeing him alive and well after stewarding a fabulous Winterfeast
astemudfoot so happy and in her element all weekend (seriously sad to say goodbye last night)
*Getting out of Sydney ofr a long weekend and feeling like I've had a whole week of holidays!
*Choosing to pay to use the Virgin Blue Lounge - GOLD!
Lower moments:
*Dealing with some low emotions and a few reminders of a life I once lived (but seriously I'm good, just a few things stirred up)
*Not having photos of me with people because of camera difficulties (Thankfully Nicolette has some pics of me in the Princess dress)
*The Crown having not received any of the emails I sent with recommendations
*Having to go get on my flight in 5 mins!
*Oh yeah, and discovering the Princess dress doesn't fit me as well as it did in December :(