Interview Meme Answers

Jun 12, 2008 10:39

Questions from astemudfoot

1. Out line your life for me. eg: There was high school and then you......
I'll start even earlier than that!
I was born in 1981 in Deniliquin. Lived there until I was 4 and my parents divorced. My mother and I moved to Melbourne where we stayed until I finished Primary School.

At the end of Primary School Mum was still un or under employed so we moved to Ballina to live with my Grandparents and Mum began working in Brisbane as a Boarding School mistress while I started High School in Ballina and met my best friend Jo. In year 8 Mum started a distance uni course to become a School Councillor and was promptly placed at a school in Woodenbong. We checked out the town and Mum could not bring herself to make me move to such a backwater so she settled on a halfway point: Kyogle in 1994. I completed High School there in 1998.

At that point it was time for us to move back to Ballina (Mum got a compassionate transfer to be near my aging grandmother and grandfather who was suffering from demmentia). I had applied for Uni and deffered the course (I got into SQU Toowomba I think) so I could work and go to USA as a Summer Camp Counsellor. I also met my first boyfriend working at a bakery in Ballina.

In 1999 I went to Texas USA for 2 months for Girl Scout Camp, travelled to LA and Hawaii for a month and then returned to Dallas Texas to nanny my Camp Directors grandchildren for 2 more months before my Visa ran out. I returned to Australia at the end of October and went to stay with my sister in Wollongong to audition for Uni's again (Wanted to get into a specific course). I also attended my very first SCA event and was shot in the collar bone by Alfar with an arrow at close range as part of the William Tell initiation for newly authorised lights. Needless to say it hurt a lot and I had a sudden bout of Jet lag and did not go to the St Malachy Feast that night.

In 2000 I started my degree at CSU Bathurst and was there for 3 years. At the end of Uni I landed a job with a Local Council as an Events Assistant for 3 months which stretched to 16 months. I also started attending SCA events in 2003 and met Derek at Cold War, my first event since the 1999 St Malachy event.

My job at Council ended and my Sydney lease was up so Derek and I moved in together at Wollongong and I had a few sales jobs in the 18 months we lived there. Eventually, Derek was in QLD (or some other remote location) and I got a job at The Cancer Council in Sydney. I soon got sick of the commute and moved in to Bethan's spare room in Sydney.

14 months later Derek and I got engaged and we relocated to Bendigo for his work. After 6 months in Bendigo he threw Everything in and left me. I paid to move us both back to Sydney and he eventually gave me some money to compensate for the removal costs.

I bounced around a few different living situations and did a couple of jobs before moving into my Five Dock apartment with two girls I found on Flatmate Finders. Soon after I moved I realised I was not enjoying my job at Cystic Fibrosis and saw some local Council jobs being advertised which I applied for. I got one and resigned from CFNSW and started the new job at the start of January this year.

I've started partying more and going out dancing and clubbing until very early in the morning (Last weekend I went home at 6.30am). I go to art galleries, concerts, museums, and generally now love and enjoy living in Sydney. I don't particularly miss the SCA because I have found many things to fill the void. I go on dates and have a great time, There's a guy at the moment and we'll see how long he lasts - I'm not too worried about being single at the moment, as long as I'm having fun and being treated well.

2. What has been your favourite job? (unpaid work counts)
The first Council I worked at was my favourite job for a long time. Sadly I was only on contract and the woman I worked for was a real bitch by the end and made it very hard for me. I haven't really loved any jobs since then (the Bendigo job was very good but I didn't love it). Thankfully I now LOVE the job I have. I get paid well, I get treated well and I get to create fun events for our residents. It's great seeing people enjoy the event you've slaved over for months - that's the reward!

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world on an unlimited budget, where would you go?
I would charter a jet and take a large group of my friends on a round the world trip for a year at least.

Places I would have to visit would include: England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Amsterdam. There would be art galleries, museums and theatre showes on the agenda across the countries. I'd probably pop back to the USA and do a road trip across the country West to East, (probably incorporating crossing the border into Mexico for some tequila) and then up through Canada.

I'd entertain thought of doing South America, mainly Brazil. Other random countries I would fit in to the schedule are Japan, Madagascar, Egypt, and maybe Thailand and Bali on the way home - just to unwind.

4. If your life circumstances ended up so that it was an option, would you want to have kids?
This is a funny one. As a kid/ teenager I remember wanting kids (at least one boy and one girl), then through Uni I wasn't keen anymore - didn't really see the point and thought I needed to establish my career first.

I still didn't want to get married and have kids when I met Derek. Some time into the relationship we talked about marriage and kids and I began to want them again. After the split I didn't want to think about ever getting married and having kids again.

Only in the last month or two have I entertained the thoughts again. I think I'd be a great Mum so I guess the answer is still yes, but it would still be a while into a relationship before I would bring kids into the world, I don't think I could do the whirlwind romance, marriage and kids thing.

5. The frivolous question: You inherit 5 million dollars the same day aliens land on the earth and say they're going to blow it up in 2 days. What do you do?

Fly all of my friends from all over the world to Ibiza or some other tropical Island stocked with 3 weeks work of drugs, alcohol, DJs, music, catering, digital cameras and video recorders and have the biggest mind blowing party to end the world (see if we can consume 3 weeks worth in 2 days) and in the meantime pay the USA what ever I have left to nuke the shit out of the aliens. Hopefully after the aliens are dead, we've all survived and had the wildest party in the world. Then I'd edit the footage into a crazy, end of the world documentary and sell it for millions and live happily ever after :)


The conditions of the meme:

The Rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me" or something of an equally pithy nature.
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature. Be warned!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions, or there will be trouble.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.

silly, life, meme

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