15 days without caffeine

May 11, 2008 18:23

I don't really have a problem with alcomohol so I decided to tackle my biggest vice this month, which is caffeine. I generally drink a bottle of coke for breakfast and a couple of coffees a day when I feel cold.

Here are a few things that I've noticed:
- By the 4th day my withdrawal headaches were gone. This usually takes 3-10 days. It was easier to go cold turkey on the weekend because I didn't have work to get through.
- Up until the 10th day my main motivation for getting out of bed was having a bottle of coke waiting for me. Then I'd realise I couldn't have it.
- On Friday night I dreamed I drank half a bottle of coke before remembering I wasn't supposed to. I have never dreamed about coke before.
- My main problem is coke and coffee but I've noticed that my other favourite drinks are coffee flavoured milk and iced tea, which in some cases has more caffeine than an instant coffee.
- It's almost impossible to have zero caffeine as there are trace amounts in all kinds of food.

Yesterday I tried caffeine free diet coke. Yes, it is as rediculous as it sounds.

Apart from that I haven't had any alcomohol and I've been getting in 30+ mins exercise every week day. It's been good for my mood to get out in the sun at lunch time. Also, I think not having caffeine has been good for my sleep patterns.
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