
Oct 04, 2005 14:37

I'm so glad I let mom make me go to see this "real doctor".
I have CBV. It's a virus that affects the liver. Usually people get it as a child. I've gotten it now. It is untreatable/uncurable and will go away in time. When my liver stabilizes I will be able to drink and play rugby again. We don't know how long this will take. 2-6 weeks. Until then, I can live life as normal, and I can run. I CAN RUN. I CAN SPRINT AND CONDITION. Just no games and no tackling. Or drinking.

No drinking.
Maybe I'll loose some weight? But work will sure be difficult if I can't drink.

Anyway....YAY! YAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and PS. To anyone who didn't comment on my journal in the past week If you didn't comment anything to me, as far as support or sympathy, etc, this past week, Know that I am seriously, seriously considering taking you off of my friends list. This of course doesn't include the friends I know are rarely on or reading my journal (The people I know in person). But for anyone else..... if at some point this week you notice you're not on my friends list anymore, you know why. If you didn't comment, but I decide to keep you....I probably have some other reason, but also please be aware I am a little hurt/perturbed with anyone who didn't comment. If there was one time I needed support and friendship, it's been this past week. And why would I want people who don't care enough to comment on my friends list? Only 12 of my friends commented with any support. I have 40some people on my friends list.
That's sad.

For those people that have been removed, this entry is public, so you can read it. But all my other entries are private.
If you find this objectionable or unfair, drop me a comment and maybe I'll feel inclined to add you back.
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