List of Things I Want To Do Before I Die

Sep 16, 2008 01:15

Own a Comic book shop
Visit the Leaning Tower of Pesa
Learn enough of a foreign language to get by in a foreign country
Create an awesome Spider-Man webpage on my own server
Own all of Spider-Man the Animated Series on DVD
Read every Spider-Man comic ever written
Beat all 7 King's Quest games
Beat all whatever number they're on Final Fantasy games
Learn a fighting style like Karate or Tae Kwan Do
Learn how to do my own awesome make up
Have an orgasm
Become a regular at a dance club
Be on Late Night TV
Do research in chemistry
Get married on my grandma's farm (preferably to Tim, of course)
Learn to swim without appearing to be drowning
Scuba dive by a coral reef
See the Grand Canyon, in person
Look sexy to myself
Visit Japan
Visit the Great Wall of China
Dye my hair something crazy, punky
Donate to a charity or PBS
Become a DJ on a channel that reaches more than 50 listeners
Go to a fancy ball
Take Ethan for a foreign country for a summer
Become more connected with my extended family
Live on a farm (maybe farm it, too, but I don't want to tie myself down to that.)
Be a bar tender

I'd write more but now I really have to pee.
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