Supernatural 4.16

Mar 20, 2009 14:36

Wow, okay, so now I get why everyone was unable to control their excitement this week.


Okay, so you know how I talked and talked and talked at the screen last week? This time I didn’t say a word. I was frozen, mouth shut, eyes so wide they hurt, from the opening shot to the end credits. Just…. Yeah.

ANGEL ANGST! Great gloriosky! I just…I don’t even know how to deal with this.

The one constant thought that I kept having throughout the episode was, “Oh, there are going to be FANVIDS. And also lots of FANFIC. Perhaps Anna/Castiel will get its own community. I’m sure there will be lots of AU fics, too. This is AWESOME for fandom.” But, you know, mainly I was just entranced and not really able to think any much of anything.

I can’t…I can’t even list my reactions. Because it was all like EEEEE to every. Single. Frame. I’m just… Right? You too? I know!


Oh and also--


::iz so, so ded::

The opening scene with the cars and sad!Cas and the wings on the ground and his SISTER and the flashlights and just... ::is incoherent::

And Sam's heartfelt "DAMMIT!" to the empty room, oh, my heart beat in painful sympathy. Things keep taking his brother away from him. :( IS NOT FAIR, UNIVERSE. You let Sammy have his Deano! But he admitted, too, that he really does think Dean is weak, that he's missing something, and well, that breaks my heart, too. Because I think that points to a wrongness in Sam more than a wrongness in Dean, that Sam is losing his empathy, his ability to understand people's emotional suffering, and that's a bad, bad thing. Especially when it's his freakin' BROTHER who is suffering. I just...agh. Sam, baby, you are going down a dark, dark road.



RUBY'S SNARK! (And then her arm, and just ew...) The map scrying was so cool, I just... Oh, she's a menacing girl. ::shivers:: So much insight in this episode. I feel like I can write everyone better now, including Ruby. At least Sam wasn't, you know, eating babies. For some reason I thought it had something to do with babies. Yeah, I don't know....

And oh gosh oh guord, all the FIGHTING. With angels punching each other! ::flails some more::

And bringing John into it! LOW BLOW, Alastair. No demon cookie. But then, he's dead now. ::shrugs::

And oh no, Uriel! I admit, that made me sad. Because I really liked him as a villainous sort-of good guy. Lots of awesome potential there, and while this was worthy, I would have liked to see more. Plus, this is one more black recurring character that SPN has turned into a brute and then killed. I don't know. I'm disappointed by that.

I don't think I even need to go into how incredibly, fantastically wonderful all the stuff with Cas was. ::FLAIL X A BILLIONTY:: He's having emotions! D: Oh noes! He cares too much about Dean! D: Oh noes! He doesn't want to identify with Anna, but he can't help it! D: Oh noes!

And all the new mythical stuff about angels and God and angelic "superiors" who have maybe gone off the deep end and well. It's very His Dark Materials, isn't it? I hope they're not going that route.

The whump was good. The whump was great. Everyone got bloody streaks on their faces, sometimes more than once, and this is of the good. All you Cas whumpers out there will finally have canon images to manip for your banners. This makes you happy, yes?

And aw, Dean. Aw, Dean. Just. Dean. Sweetheart. ::heart breaks:: Particularly telling that it was Cas there, not Sam, that it was to Cas that Dean revealed just scared and lost and broken he was. And his rough voice from almost being choked to death (again)? Yeah, that did things to my insides, too.

The more the brothers get broken up and twisted, the more the chasm gapes between them, the further they are pushed toward their supernatural counterparts, Dean toward Castiel and Sam toward Ruby. And this, well, it disturbs me deeply. But at the same time, more DeanandCas makes me very happy. So, yis, I am conflicted.

Oh, huh. I guess I had some reactions after all.

No spoilers in the comments, please, not even from the promo.

squee, meta, supernatural ep

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