I Felt Badass Today

Mar 16, 2009 13:28

I'm, like, a thrifty ninja. Or a really lazy chick MacGyver. I'm very proud of this, and feel compelled to share. The story:

This morning I was driving to one of my clients' houses, you know, through all the lovely Fort Wayne traffic, about ten minutes from my destination. At a stoplight I happened to glance down at my shirt and noticed that a thread was hanging off one of the buttons. I decided to give it a tug, maybe snip it with my teeth.

This was a bad idea. If you ever see a thread hanging off your button and think, "Oh, I should pull on that," DON'T DO IT. Deny that ridiculous impulse! THE CAKE IS A LIE.

So yeah, I pulled on the thread, and the button popped right off. This was bad news. It wasn't like the button was way down low on the shirt so I could tuck it into my skirt or anything--it was right in front of my bosoms. My shirt had a gaping hole.

Instant panic. Ten minutes from work, no spare shirt or anything to cover up with besides my winter coat, BIG FAT HOLE IN FRONT OF BOSOMS. I began frantically casting about in my mind for what could possibly be in my car to fix it. No travel sewing kit (which I should totally start carrying around for these situations, for real), no safety pins, no paperclips, not even a bobby pin.

BUT! For months now I have had a twisty-tie holding the left side of my glasses together where the screw fell out. It's probably visible in that video I posted with Mini!Cas. That little blue bump? Yeah, twist-tie from a bread bag. Ignore how this points to my extreme laziness in never fixing my glasses for real. It was a very good thing I had that today.

While still at that same stoplight, I took off my glasses and unwound the twist-tie and snipped it roughly in half WITH MY TEETH. While continuing to drive, I stripped off the plastic, threaded it through the button, stuck the two ends of wire through my shirt where the button had been, twisted the wire together, and stuck the ends into the fabric so they wouldn't poke me. By the time I got to my client's house I was fine.

I felt UTTERLY BADASS. I am a car-driving, problem-solving, wire-snipping NINJA.


So yeah. That was my day. How was yours?

life, homg i'm sort of a weirdo, work

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