Mar 08, 2009 19:25

So I am doing a job right now, which is basically babysitting, and dudes! My baby laptop can connect to random wireless! I can be on the internet ANYWHERE. ::evil cackling:: Also, five hours of battery life. O.O Can I hear a what what?

I have many scenes in my head for the next chapter of "The Mouths of Children," but it hasn't quite gelled into a plot yet. Fear not, though, the time is coming.

And Daylight Saving Time? Can just go suck it. La, I am so tired.

I might be getting another part-time job so maybe I can move out of my parents' house again. It was so exhausting though I don't know if I want to do it already. I do need more money, though. Man, I hate thinking about money. And I've been doing that a lot lately.

Another great thing about living at home is the constant supply of people to play Rock Band with. Since, you know, my brothers have an Xbox and Rock Band and my siblings like to play it. Yesterday was my brother Andrew's birthday (he's eighteen now, it's pretty terrifying), and our brother Peter had come home from Chicago for the occasion, and Peter, Andrew, Philip and I played a bunch of Rock Band. It was fun, even though I ended up singing quite a bit and my voice is still not up to par. This cold has been lingering like an evil lingering thing and refusing to go away like a good little cold should. But whatever. I did awesome anyway. Got a hundred percent singing Eye of the Tiger on hard. This made me happy. I just want to beat the tour to the point that we have Carry On, Wayward Son again. (Andrew's Xbox went kablooey and he had to get a new one and now all the stuff that was beaten is no longer beaten. On the plus side, he got LEGO Indiana Jones out of the deal, which is awesome.) Also, we had, like, four different cakes. Because I guess my family is just all about the cake. My fave was probably the German chocolate with the homemade coconut topping, you know where you broil it in the oven for a bit so then when it cools it's all crunchy and coconutty and delicious and the butter has melted down into the top of the cake so that's incredibly, incredibly moist and fudgy and just oh, wow. ::salivates::

Also I got caught up on Dollhouse today, and wow. I am totally hooked. I don't know if I LIKE it, really, but it's definitely intriguing. It's hard to connect to a character who is never the same week to week, so that puts a damper on things, but the supporting cast is pretty awesome. Every time I see an episode, though, I just have to think that that must be basically an actor's dream job. Something new every week.

Wow, I'm random today. I need sleep.

fanfic, guitar hero, squee, life, family

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