The Mountains in Reply

Jan 24, 2009 11:42

Fandom: Supernatural
Title: The Mountains in Reply
Author: Maychorian
Characters: Sam, Castiel, Dean
Category: Gen, Angst, Drama
Rating: PG/K+
Spoilers: Through 4.10, previous stories in 'verse
Summary: Christmas is an awful time of year for this. Too many songs about angels, everywhere they go.
Word Count: 1762
Disclaimer: Pretty sure they’re ( Read more... )

entertaining angels, fanfiction

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Comments 53

dotfic January 24 2009, 17:22:37 UTC
Aw, that was sweet, and not too sweet. Sam's need for Castiel's approval comes across in a wonderful quiet way here, and I love the forehead kiss and what that means to Sam.


maychorian January 26 2009, 16:01:39 UTC
Oh, that's just what I was hoping for, sweet but not too much. Sam and Castiel have had so very little interaction in the show, but there's not a lot of potential for interesting stuff there, with Sam's now-shaky faith and his possible destiny, and Castiel's compassion, as well as his sternness. Thank you!


tahirire January 24 2009, 17:28:07 UTC
This one made me get all teary-eyed.



maychorian January 26 2009, 16:02:30 UTC
Thank you, my dear! I worry about Sam, I really do. He could use this kind of blessing, so much.


musesfool January 24 2009, 18:52:31 UTC
aw, lovely.


maychorian January 26 2009, 16:02:50 UTC
Thank you! ♥


roseincognitus January 24 2009, 19:01:57 UTC
Aww, just lovely. I'm glad Castiel realized that Sam might miss him too.
Also, I adore this part: "They were all mirrors, Sam thought suddenly. Mirrors reflecting light back on each other, seeing it in each other and unable to see their own. And so Sam saw the truth of Dean even when his brother felt only darkness, and Castiel saw the gleaming in them both and did not think of his."
That is so true!


maychorian January 26 2009, 16:03:21 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed my little mental ramble, too.


brigid_tanner January 24 2009, 19:07:52 UTC
Lovely. Yes, Sam, you are a pussy to be missing the kid so much :) But we love you for it.

Liked the "light" references and the mirrors reflecting that light. Sweet without being too too much.


maychorian January 26 2009, 16:03:56 UTC
Hee! Sam is such a sweetheart.

Thank you!


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