I was bloodthirsty today, but this isn't unusual.

Jan 23, 2009 21:06

You know what movies I like to watch when I'm feeling down or crappy? Kill Bill. Both volumes. So I just did that, and I feel better about the world. It may say something about me, that I prefer stylized violence as a pick-me-up instead of chick flicks or rom-coms.

But then, I also like to play the damage-dealers in D&D and similar games, which once led to me musing out loud in a rather soft, dreamy voice, "I like killing things. I guess I've always liked killing things." And now my friends quote me on that all the time, because they find it hilarious. I look so harmless, but I get positively giddy when I get to kill things. In games. When I get to kill things in games.

Played D&D last night as well as Left 4 Dead on the XBox, and I'm finally starting to get the hang of the two-joystick thing. Still makes me nervous, but I did enjoy shooting the zombies. Even though my character didn't make it in the end.

I looked more into doing freelance today, set myself up on a couple of websites, took the "editing skils" test at elance.com and scored in the top five percent, so that makes me feel good. It was a hard test, too, way harder than any grammar/writing test I took in school. I also have a couple of job leads from friends that I'll look into. And my former employers are giving me a little bit of severance pay so I have some time to find a new job, so I'm not quite so panicked now.

And now I want to write. I have one of my prompt fics half-finished, and my big bang is going well. I like writing, too, with or without killing things.

life, homg i'm sort of a weirdo, i have awesome friends, movies, work

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