Temporary Insanity

Oct 27, 2007 18:49

Well, I think I have decided to become insane and participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, for those of you who are not writers. Or live under a rock.). Jill talked me into it. So I've been thinking about what sort of story I would want to write, and be willing to spend a month and 50,000 words on. I want to start over in a world I've never written in before, though, as always, it will be fantasy. I want it to be just a fun, joyful book, easy to read and adventurous, and relatively free of angst. So that will automatically be different than ninety percent of anything I've ever written.

So yeah, I've spent the last two days thinking about it and I'm pretty sure I know what I'm gonna do. And I'll post it here because that will give me incentive. So forgive me if in November my blog is even less worth reading than usual. This is going to delay my posting of our D&D campaign. Sorry. Though I'm not sure if anyone is even interested.

Need to pick an icon, now, I think. Also need to buy another cheapo flash drive, as I think I've lost or broken all of mine. Fortunately I have money right now. This is not always the case. (Also need to get some shoes and makeup for my Halloween outfit.)

Anybody else participating? I'll read yours if you'll read mine. We'll be awful together. It'll be fun!


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