Stuff, and a Tiny Poem

Jan 15, 2009 10:57

1. IT'S THURSDAY!!!!! ::throws self off walls::

2. I had pancakes and sausage for breakfast this morning, made them myself, since my work had decided to have a snow-delay and open at ten. Been a long, long time since I had pancakes and sausage. Mmm. But my tummy feels like lead now.

3. Womanly cycles suck. I tend to have at least one day of bad cramping, and that seems to be today.

4. But this song is giving me a lot of joy:

And so is this one:

Heck, have the whole playlist:

5. And for some reason I woke up this morning thinking about this tiny poem, which I wrote years ago and never forgot. It was even published in my college's teeny literary magazine, though I suspect that it was only to fill space. Warning: contains religious themes.

Stepping Stones

Back is no good--
Forward alone.
Each day another
Stepping stone.
Another step through
Refining fire,
A little farther,
A little higher,
A little stronger,
More able to bear.
A little longer,
And we'll be there.

squee, original, life, music, weather

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