Fic Recs: Favorite Post-4.10 Stories

Jan 10, 2009 10:29

SHOW RETURNS IN LESS THAN A WEEK! ::bounces giddily until out of breath, then collapses on the floor::

But anyway, I thought now would be a good time to share all of my favorite post-4.10 codas and fics, to kind of rev us up and get ready. And NEVER has an episode demanded a tag more than "Heaven and Hell" did. Oh my WORD. So here are some. You'll notice that many of these were written by people I've already recced in general, so now I am reccing in specific.

These are all mixed up with little regard for rhyme or reason. Some are schmoopy and lovable, some are so angsty they may very well make you cry. Mostly they're pretty short, but there are a couple of long ones, too. I cannot be bothered to organize the darn things, so just see what you can see. All I'm doing is copy and pasting from my delicious account. These are all gen.

Reworked ending by oatmeal_queen -- In the spirit of disorganization, I'll go ahead and start off this list of "fic recs" with a piece of art. Anyway, this is unbelievably gorgeous. Makes me teary-eyed just looking at it.

The Adventures of Mr. Huggles and Cuddlebear by superbadgirl -- Full disclosure--SBG blames me for this one. I'm totally okay with that. Dean and Sam need to be hugged, like, all the time. I'm just sayin'.

Ribbons by amyblair -- Excellent casefile post 4.10. Very creepy and spooky, great characterization. Achy and sweet.

Life Before Death by kroki-refur -- Gen cuddles post 4.10! LOTS OF THEM! ::wants and wants::

Smite Your Bitch Up by eighth_horizon -- I recced this once before, but I have to do it again. Funniest story about Dean teaching Castiel to swear that's ever been written and ever will be written.

How Winchesters Say "I Love You" by autumn-lilacs -- Post 4.10, Sam and Dean talk. And play in the snow! Castiel watches and yearns.

When the Mirror Is Not Working (Face True North) by pdragon76 -- Post 4.10, Dean has a problem with his reflection. One of those angsty ones I was talking about, but Sam is awesome here.

40 Years of Sacrifice by authoressnebula -- 4.10 coda, with all of the brotherlove you've been waiting for. ♥

The boy's still running by dotfic -- Sam is magnificent in this, and so is Castiel.

Thorn in Your Side by smilla02 -- This story just aches and aches. But it's so good. Her language leaves me breathless.

(Also, lest my lovely flist become angry with me, I should mention that if you'd like to read my own 4.10 tag, it's here: No Words for This. Or, for an EVEN ANGSTIER option, here: Stone and Blood. THIS IS NOT A REC. It's merely informative.)

art rec, squee, fic rec, supernatural

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