Entertaining Angels Master Post

Jan 06, 2009 09:11

So, it started the Monday morning after Supernatural episode 4.10, "Heaven and Hell," had aired. I woke up with this little boy in my head, looking up at me with his big blue eyes, dark hair sticking up all over the place, staring serenely and calmly demanding that I write him. I complained to my flist about having this urge to write the crackiest ( Read more... )

entertaining angels, master list

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Comments 15

ina_ami January 6 2009, 15:04:12 UTC
wow.incredible.thank you so much for the post. especially for the soundtrack. loved your story. hope you write a new one soon.


maychorian January 7 2009, 01:03:26 UTC
You're welcome! So glad you enjoyed the story. And yeah, the soundtrack is pretty cool. :D


shallanelprin January 6 2009, 15:40:34 UTC
I kept forgetting to comment on this story. I loved it! Kiddie!Cas is adorable and a very interesting idea. Dean playing daddy is something I've always loved to ready, especially when it's well done and you totally nailed it. *runs off to re-read*


maychorian January 7 2009, 01:05:33 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed! Yeah, Dean and kids are ♥. I never thought myself the type to write it, but I guess I am. :D


strangeandcharm January 6 2009, 18:34:58 UTC
I might as well comment on the Master Post than anywhere else, seeing as I've just read the whole thing in one long burst!

Man, I've never wanted to see the words 'The End' less in my life. That was just glorious - I had tears in my eyes! And I'm also really pissed at you because I'm not at all maternal and I'm really uncomfortable around kids and I love dark!fic and would never, ever consider reading a fic like this usually because it's cute... but good lord, you totally span me round and turned me into a BIG PILE OF MUSH.

How dare you?!



maychorian January 7 2009, 01:08:57 UTC
LOL! :D I'm so glad I could corrupt you. ::evol grin::

Thank you!


just_ruth January 7 2009, 00:26:58 UTC
*Bursts out laughing* And here I spent my Christmas Itunes gift certificate on the soundtrack!

"so-called" friends? :P You loved it and you know it.


maychorian January 7 2009, 01:10:25 UTC

It's true. :P I was not very hard to convince. But like I said, wee!Cas was demanding to be written.


atlantisgrrrl July 15 2009, 10:03:25 UTC
This is the most touchingly wonderful bit of fantastic EVAH! You made me smile and cry and sigh and grin stupidly in turn here. I ... I don't even have the words, woman. WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for sharing. And even though I usually have *such* an allergy to WIP's (what if the story is abandoned and I never get to know what happened next? Not acceptable), I'm afraid you have me hooked so very badly now, I will not be able to wait and have to indeed be all over that sequel of yours right the eff now.

Loverly, loverly story, that makes my heart sing.


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