Resolutions and a Request

Jan 03, 2009 14:29

Fake resolutions, ganked from a bunch of people on my f-list:

In 2009, maychorian resolves to...
Take evening classes in dexter.
Keep my mush clean.
Connect with my inner literature.
Buy new bards.
Volunteer to spend time with movies.
Become a better fanfiction.

Which...pretty sure my mush is usually clean. O.O I could perhaps try to write less of it, though. I'm always working on becoming a better fanfiction, and connecting with my inner literature will never not be good.

My only real resolution is to try to comment more often on what I read. Cuz see, there's this thing, where I don't read slash and het, but sometimes I do. I swear, this fandom keeps seducing me into doing things I never enjoyed before. And still, porn and even romance don't do anything for me, so there's a reason I avoid those fics, mostly. But once in awhile I read one because it's been written or recommended by someone I really, really trust, and I enjoy the plot and the characterization or whatever, but I don't comment because I am embarrassed and I cannot honestly say "OMG SO HAWT" because really, truly, that doesn't happen to me (very often). It's really NOT why I do the fanfic thing, and I know that makes me weird, but I'm okay with that.

And I still don't think that I will ever see the characters that way, but I wouldn't read this stuff if I didn't get SOMETHING out of it. So I should comment, and at least let the author know that I liked their turns of phrase or whatever, because that's generally true. Even though my brain continues to go totally WTF at pairings, when I read them I should still show my appreciation. (I guess this is also a kind of blanket apology to all the writers whose stories I read and somewhat enjoyed but didn't comment on because I felt weird about it.)

So that's my resolution.

Also, I have a weenie request, oh flist my flist. I am going to be cleaning today, and I would like some good music. I've downloaded a couple of really good fanmixes and enjoyed them, but I am a bit nervous about seeking more. So, any recommendations? (The one I have is called "Heaven's Not Enough," and I'm not sure where I got it but it's pretty cool.)

fandom, fanfic, i have awesome friends, music

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