Everyone Else Is Doing It!

Dec 17, 2008 12:53

So hey, I will complain about the weather too.

Well, more like I will complain about the storm yesterday afternoon, which dumped several inches of snow and ice on my stupid city. The problem is, you see, that we dummies here in northern Indiana are used to there being snow, and then a thaw, and then some more snow, and then another thaw, on and on and on. It's the way it usually goes, since we're right under the Gulf Stream and all. But this also means that people are lazy and don't take time to figure out how to deal with snow and stuff because hey, it'll be gone next week, right? So our snow removal services are far from the best, and people go kind of nuts at stuff that would have people in Michigan, just an hour north, going, "Huh. Looks like it's that time again, eh chaps?" "Righto." And then dropping salt bombs or something. Whatever.

Anyway, this mini-rant is besides the point, because it still would have been bad yesterday, since it started snowing around four in the afternoon and then just KEPT GOING all through the drive time.

Usually it takes me about fifteen minutes to drive between work and home. It's on main roads and they're usually clear and people know what they're doing and all.

Last night? AN HOUR AND A HALF.

Not kidding. Left work at five thirty. Got home at seven fifteen. Coliseum Boulevard was insane. Traffic at a snail's pace, bumper to bumper all the way, snow still coming down. And yeah, going above about twenty mph? Not an option. My stupid car would slide. Heart-in-throat time, for sure.

I occupied myself with listening to oldies on the radio and my Newsboys hits CD and thinking an awful, awful lot about Sam and Dean and mini!Cas.

And oh, yeah, that extra fifteen minutes in there? I stopped at a pet store and got myself a couple of new mice. SQUEE! So many of mine have been passing lately, I was getting a little lonesome. I was down to just two females, and I didn't want them to get lonely (it's always better to have at least three together). Pet store mice are not the best, because they're never socialized, usually just expected to be fed to snake. But the two I got are VERY VERY PRETTY, and they will have pretty babies, and I will socialize the babies myself, so in a few months here I will have LOTS of lovely pets. (This is the way I do things. It works.)

Anyway, yes. One is a little black thing with a spot of white on her head and the SQUISHIEST LITTLE EARS EVER OMG. The other is a light, pretty gray, though not quite the same shade as Shiny was (the gray beauty in my icon there). I named them Holly and Ivy, because hey, Christmas, and the names seem to fit. They are very, very skittish, but I held them a lot on the drive home, and I'll keep working with them. Cassandra and Ruby, the two does I had left, will get to have some companions. Is a good thing.

Heh, I just realized that all of my current mice and rats have actual NAMES, like people names, whereas I used to have a bunch with names like Shiny and Marshmallow and Snowdrop. Huh. Yeah, currently: Wallace, Sebastian, Emil, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Cassandra, Ruby, Holly, and Ivy.

And my cat, Taffy. Poor thing. She's left out in so many, many ways.

whining, life, pets, rats, weather, mice

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