Pants are an illusion. And so is death.

Nov 16, 2008 20:56

Several items:

1. Moonshayde made this icon to my specifications, and I love it love it love it. Cuz, see, I've seen lots and lots and lots of icons from Jensen's Eye of the Tiger epicness, but none of them said what I want. Which is this, because I'm weird like that. This will probably be the icon I use from now on whenever I blather about Guitar Hero. And also other random squeeful times.

2. This appears to be The Weekend of Things Not Working for Maychorian. One, I got home Friday night and realized that my fridge wasn't working anymore. The freezer was cold, but the fridge wasn't. :( So I've spent the whole weekend cleaning it out and letting water drip everywhere, because there appeared to be an ice blockage of some sort. I hope that does the trick, because otherwise I'm going to have to put in a maintenance request, and that's annoying. I've also been trying to eat stuff so it won't go bad, so lots of frozen pizza and that sort of thing. Fortunately, I don't really keep much food around my place, so this isn't a horrible deal, but I am a little worried about getting mold in my large collection of jellies (I have five kinds; it is a necessary evil in my continuing quest to attempt to consume far too much peanut butter).

Two, my internet quit working this afternoon, and so I will have to call Verizon and get it fixed and that's just a huge pain I don't want to deal with. I don't like having strangers come to my place. (I am somewhere else right now using the internet, because apparently I can't stand to be away for more than six hours. And also I need to find Verizon's customer service number or something. Sigh.)

Three, my muse has apparently taken a small vacation, exactly when I need him the most. ::shakes fist at runaway muse::

3. I FINALLY FINISHED WATCHING AVATAR AND IT WAS SO FREAKING EPIC. Hoh Em Gee. I feel a little creepy, though, cuz it might be a bad thing that I find these young teenager animated boys so amazingly attractive. Yes, even Aang, in the last episode. (I was so shocked, guys, really.) And I love Zuko so gosh darn much, you guys, it might be the teeniest bit embarrassing. Now I want to write and/or read an Avatar/Supernatural crossover with the characters, too, not just the powers, because Dean and Zuko. Hoh Em Gee. I've been saying that a lot. IROH IS THE AWESOMEST UNCLE EVER I WISH HE WAS MY UNCLE OH GOODNESS IROH.

4. I am still hopelessly in love with Sam and Dean. I guess it wasn't strictly necessary to mention that again, but I wanted to. ::huggles them both, pinches their sad woobie cheeks, offers cheesecake when they both continue to look all woobie-like::

avatar, life, i have awesome friends, peanut butter

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