The JACKNDEAN 'Verse Master List

Oct 26, 2008 13:41

Dude! I have a ’verse! Whoda thunk?

The JACKNDEAN ‘Verse )

master list, jackndean!

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Comments 32

megsjedi October 26 2008, 23:34:22 UTC
I'm really glad you made this 'verse! It's way cool.


maychorian October 27 2008, 12:44:25 UTC
Thanks! :D I'm really glad you like it.


(The comment has been removed)

maychorian October 27 2008, 12:44:34 UTC


shadowartemis October 27 2008, 01:56:24 UTC
*grins* Your 'verse was pimped by another author I watch, so naturally I had to meander into it for a taste-test. Ended up reading everything and loved every moment of it. Mind if I friend you? Your Awesome is irresistible.


maychorian October 27 2008, 12:45:23 UTC
Friending is always cool. And yay, you think I'm awesome! \o/

I'm always delighted to spread the joy of JACKNDEAN!


jujuberry136 October 27 2008, 04:12:11 UTC
Found this via Mhalachaiswords- so glad I did! Awesome fic, awesome 'verse!

Thanks so much for sharing, I'm looking forward to Gone Fishin' 2


maychorian October 27 2008, 12:46:29 UTC
Yay for recs! :D I'm so glad you like my little 'verse.

I think the next story will be a bit longer than these other little one-shots. We'll see how it goes.


lizey October 27 2008, 09:31:38 UTC
Also here via mhalachai-pimpage. Awesome stuff.


maychorian October 27 2008, 12:47:38 UTC
I'm having lots and lots of warm fuzzy feelings at being recced so kindly. And I'm thrilled that you like my stories. :D


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