Goodness, I am spammy today.

Oct 17, 2008 21:51

Sorry for posting so much today, but lookit, lookit! ::points at icon:: moonshayde Made a Jack and Dean icon! JUST FOR ME! Isn't that just too awesome for words? Oh, I love it I love it I love it. I love the coloring, and their stance, the way they seem comfortable with each other, and the way they're staring out at the viewer in this kind of challenging way, all like, "Yeah, we are scary badass alien/ghost-hunters who happen to like guns and knives and pie, you wanna make something of it?" Oh, man, I love it so much.

Now I need to, like, write a story, so I can use it. I need to write LOTS AND LOTS of stories with Jack and Dean, because this icon needs to be all over the internet.


jackndean!, squee, i have awesome friends

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