Supernatural 4.05

Oct 17, 2008 08:23

Great stars and little fishes! How much squee do I have for this episode? SO MUCH SQUEE! Once again I got up at seven a.m. to watch it, and yes, all the way to work I was bouncing in my seat and giggling and humming and singing along with my music (Great Big Sea, yeah, still Great Big Sea, I think they will always be happy music) except that I don't actually know the words to "End of the World as We Know It," so I was more, um, babbling in cadence. But STILL. SQUEEEEEEEEEEE. I laughed and clapped and talked at the screen a whole, whole lot.

Dean has his joy back! And his mojo. But more importantly, his joy! The band is back together and they're on a mission from God and Dean thinks it's awesome and I love him so much, it's really quite unreasonable, really. It's like a return to the fun times of Season 1, except that now we know that beneath Dean's tough candy shell there's a whole lot of gooey soft chocolate. (Why, yes, I AM using Jack's analogy for Dean from "Corner of Your Eye." Very astute, Constant Readers!)

But my favorite part of the episode? My very favorite, bestest, most delightful, most squeed and loved and joyful part? How very, very fondly Sam kept looking at Dean. At the beginning with the giant pretzel, and the end while Dean is kissing Jamie, and all their interactions in between. This is what we (well, I, anyway) wanted to see in the second or third episode, Sam so happy to have his brother back, so gentle and accommodating with all of his quirks and strangeness. They seem to have cleared the air somewhat between the last episode and this, and that's cool. I expect some fanfics on the subject, though, because no way did that feel at all finished last time. (I think mine still works, now that I think about it. I was worried about that. This is the first time I've written fanfic while the canon is still playing out, and I worry about not fitting canon.)

Oh, Dean, oh Dean, you are so hot and heroic and funny and beautiful. The boys look awesome in black and white, and I swear Dean's eyes still looked kinda green. And "I've been re-hymenated"? Really, Dean, really? Interesting that he came back without any scars, though. His abs certainly did look beautifully smooth in 4.01, but it's cool that this is all over. I'm still waiting to know whether that mark on his shoulder was permanent or if it faded, though.

Jamie was so wonderful. She was strong and tough and very much her own woman. Are they maybe doing a little better with female characters in this season? Psychic girl in the first episode was very cool, and the wife in the last episode got some snarky lines and stood up for herself. And Meg, of course, was pure awesome on a stick. And so was Mary. I dunno. We'll see if the trend continues.

Dracula escaped on a scooter! A SCOOTER, you guys! It was a freaking SCOOTER! I laughed and laughed and laughed.

And Sam is Van Helsing! Oh man, when he rescued Dean at the end and they walked out of that room together, and Dean was in his adorable costume and his head barely reached Sam's shoulder, in my head it was so very much the tall, brooding Batman and his cute, wise-cracking little sidekick. EEEE! I would read that comic. I would buy every issue.

So much love for the monster, and pizza, and yes, I hurt at his little speech, but he was killing people, and Jamie didn't fall for it. (I LOVE her for that.) "Maybe you're lonely because you're killing people!" "Well... Maybe I'm killing people because I'm lonely?"

He got a big death scene. I think maybe that was all he really wanted, poor monster.

It was pretty obvious that it was Lucy from the beginning, though, wasn't it? Once we knew it was shapeshifter? Was anyone fooled by that? The theater scene with the music was awesome, though, a very worthy red herring.

Loved the girl sucking on her big gulp. People respond to trauma in different ways. But we didn't have to feel sorry for the boyfriend, at all, because he was a douche. Well done, Show! Only thirty seconds of pathos in the entire episode, and that was for the monster!

I still want them to find a good monster somewhere, though. Besides Lenore.

Anyway, I thought it was great. This was a good place to have a lighthearted episode. The last four have been quite harrowing. So yes, there is a slight disconnect for me, because it seems like they couldn't possibly be doing THIS well only a week after the rougarou hunt, but I'm going to assume that the manly men are repressing because they are manly men, and it will all surface eventually.

In conclusion, I LOVE YOU DEAN! I'M SO GLAD YOU GOT YOUR PRETZEL! And also that you seem to like being on a mission from God. Apparently you have made your peace with it, and that's so fantastic it makes me a little teary.

Next time I think we need a little more Sam screentime, though. Just a little.

squee, great big sea, supernatural ep

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