Random happy notes

Oct 14, 2008 01:20

Just came back from a wonderful evening with friends. We had ribs and played D&D and were very very random, as usual. And I drank three cans of soda, including one with caffeine, which I almost never do, so I'm a little wired right now.

Also! I sorta kinda cleaned my car a little, and found one of my amazon.com gift certificates. (I get them for using my credit card.) And I already had another one in a drawer, waiting for a good use. So, fifty bucks! YAY. I finally ordered those DVDs I've been wanting. You know the ones. :)

Also, I have four little baby mice! SO HAPPY. They are not quite two weeks old, so they're a little smaller than the babies in my icon, there. Fully furred, but their eyes aren't open yet. I've been holding them a lot so they'll be tame, and they're ridiculously cute. I mean, RIDICULOUSLY. Two white and two brown, and it looks they might all be boys, but that's okay. I have a bunch of empty cages since I've lost so many mice in the past few months, so there's room for all. They're already at the popcorn stage, hopping around and exploring, nuzzling with their weeny noses and cleaning their faces with their teeny little paws and wiggling around to find warm spots and scritching their wee bellies with their tiny back feet and just... d'awwww. They kill me.

These are not Cookie's babies, like I'd been hoping--she seems to be infertile, which makes me sad. Little Juliet is the mother, which I was totally not expecting--she's so permanently small that I figured she was the one who was infertile, so I had put her in with an older buck to keep him company. Imagine my surprise when I noticed that her teeny little tummy was starting to swell. (Not that I was upset, at all. HAPPY ACCIDENT.) I was worried that she would have problems carrying a litter, being so little herself, but it seems to have gone fine. She's in with Cassandra, a bigger female who is helping nurse the babies. There was at least one runt who didn't make it, but these four are going strong. It makes me all kinds of happy. (The only real problem is that I keep forgetting Juliet's name and calling her "Tiny Mama" instead, because I get all gibbery when I look at her, seeming barely bigger than her babes.)

BABY MICE! They are sooooooo cute.

life, mice

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