Supernatural 4.04

Oct 10, 2008 08:49

I really need to buy the digital converter thingie for my TV so I can watch episodes as they air, instead of waiting and downloading it. I keep ending up getting out of bed early on Friday mornings to watch what everyone else watched last night. So yes, here is my reaction, fresh as always!

Thoughts in no particular order:

Jared Padalecki really brought it this week. Oh my goodness. When Dean pointed to the ceiling and said that GOD didn't want him to do what he was doing? Oh, Sam's little puppy face just about broke my heart. Because the poor boy believes in God, and that kind of disapproval... oh, man. How many people get told to their face that the God they believe and hope and trust in doesn't care for what they're doing and wants them to stop? And I mean, not just from a crazy person on the street, but a reliable source of information that you trust absolutely? Sam's face about killed me in that moment. He was like a little kid who had found this really cool toy, and then his mom came and took it away and yelled at him and scared him because it was actually something really dangerous, and by the end both the little kid and the mom are crying and hugging on the floor. I could see Dean hated doing it, too, but he was so terrified and sad and worried and pissed.

I don't like Dean punching Sam. He's done it a bunch now and I know that that's how Dean reacts to things that terrify him--he punches them. Still, it makes me sad. And Sam just stands there and takes it. Besides, Sam's not the kind to punch back, so it just seems so unequal. But Sam hurts Dean in different ways. LIKE LYING TO HIS FACE.

I want to believe that everything is out in the open now, but I'm so afraid that there's more lurking. And for pity's sake, can we get a straight answer on the Sam/Ruby thing? The ambiguity is stupid.

Oh, and I love that Dean called Castiel "Cas." That is so going to be in every fanfic featuring the two of them, ever. I suspect I'll get quite bored of it, but right now it only amuses me.

The MotW was gross and scary and sad. I really thought that he might have been able to fight it off if things hadn't escalated. That was pretty tragic. And yay for Sam rescuing Dean! I REALLY LIKE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS. That scene at the end was so creepy, with Jack moving toward Dean's pretty pretty face with all that hunger in his eyes, and I'm just sitting there going "Noooooo, not the face, not the face!" And Sam trying to reason with him and pick the lock at the same time, so worried and scared and trying to hold it together. And having to kill the guy he was rooting for. So, so sad.

The parallels were good, but a little anvilicious at times. American TV can't be subtle, I guess, but I wish it could. I know they have to repeat this stuff over and over every week so people who only tune in once in a while won't be lost, but it gets irritating for the obsessive ones, like me.

Dean and Sam are going to have to rebuild their trust now, and I'm looking forward to that. Still sad that it has to be done at all, but I'm a big one for healing and redemption, and I hope it will come.

Also, I want Dean to have more flashbacks. Because I like PTSD and I like Dean, so it would be like ice cream with fudge sauce. The cherry would be a hug from Sam. A big, fat, sweet, juicy cherry that I will roll around in my mouth and savor for hours.

meta, supernatural ep

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