Supernatural 4.03

Oct 03, 2008 08:43

I love my new icon, can you tell? Is so appropriate for so many things right now.

So! Yet more squee at sleeping Dean. Though, seriously, the poor guy must have been exhausted to fall asleep on top of the covers with just his jacket over him. And cuddling John's journal like a teddy bear, apparently. Poor Dean. Why isn't Sam cuddling with you, if you need cuddling? Sam is having massive issues, that's clear, ignoring his brother's need for contact.

Also, poor baby keeps waking up scared. If it's not dreams of Hell, it's Castiel. When Castiel told him that he needed to "stop it," the first time, I totally thought he meant that Dean needed to stop having Hell flashbacks. And that maybe he was gonna, you know, help him, instead of doing everything he mysteriously could to make it worse.

Dean sure did fit in back in '73, didn't he? Once he stopped making cultural references, anyway. That jacket, the accent, even his vocabulary.

First time I yelled at the screen was when it was revealed that John was PETTING that stupid van. "Noooo, John, no, don't buy that! You don't want to buy that!" LOL. Fortunately Dean was there to save him from his dweebiness.

MARY! So awesome! Oh, I squeed and squeed through that entire fight scene. Also squeed at Dean beating Grandpa to the Wiltshire farm.

It's a family business! YES. Oh, man, how wonderful would it have been if Mary had lived? Maybe she would have decided, when the night came that Sam was changed, that they needed to fight back after all. Maybe Sam and Dean still would have grown up as warriors, but she would have made things better. John wouldn't have been floundering so much. He wouldn't have been quite so terrified. And he wouldn't have been grieving.

I admit that I did feel a little let down at the end of the show, though. Because it's the same problem there always is with time travel stories--if you can't change anything, what's the point of being there? It just seemed like an excuse to heap yet more trauma on poor Dean, give him more reasons to blame himself. Would YED have gotten Mary's scent without Dean telling them where to go? Probably, but you know Dean is going to figure out a way to think that it was his fault. At least Castiel, you know, touched his shoulder, but seriously. NEED HUGS FROM SAM. And Castiel too, if angels do that sort of thing.

Grandma was sort of useless, wasn't she? I thought maybe she would bring some awesome to the table with that scene at the end. I was disappointed.

And yes, I missed Sam. Missed him a lot. This whole schism thing is grating on my world. I'm going to hold out hope that with three episodes in a row dedicated mostly to Dean and his issues, that means we're going to get equal focus on Sam later. Still, it feels unbalanced right now.

Oh! And Azazel saying that the demon's blood made the kids "BIG AND STRONG!" Who else immediately thought of Sam's freakish size? :D I'm sure it doesn't work that way, though, because the other psychic kids at the end of Season 2 were pretty average.

Yeah, that's all the thoughts I have right now. Misha Collins continues to play Castiel as otherworldly and a bit confused by humans, so that's good. But yeah, the non-straight answers were tiring. At least we got to see him in some different locations than just a barn and a kitchen. He looks very nice in daylight, I must say.

Lack of Sam is bad.

Okay, now I'm really done.

squee, meta, supernatural ep

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