Weechester Recs

Sep 03, 2008 13:34

superbadgirl posted about how she mostly avoids weechester fics, because so many of them villify John. Yeah, he had his problems, but he loved his sons and did his best. The black-and-white fanfic we get just misses all of the lovely, fascinating shades of grey. So that got me thinking about some pre-series fics that I've read lately and loved, especially ones with a good, complex John. So here's the short list. I have more.

Here are some that I loved:

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4495547/1/The_Least_I_Can_Do (I love this story's John so very, very much.)

http://community.livejournal.com/spn_summergen/21193.html (Heartbreaking, the things they want and the things they can't have. Gorgeous style, too.)

http://kimonkey7.livejournal.com/176872.html (More young Dean than Sam and John, but they're there, too.)

http://community.livejournal.com/spn_summergen/33500.html (John is AWESOME in this one, especially in the last section.)

http://community.livejournal.com/spn_summergen/36528.html (John isn't in this one, but young Dean and Sam are beautiful.)

fic rec, supernatural

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