Look, look! It's fanfiction of THE INTERNET.
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Okay, maybe a fanvid. Still. This is the culture we live in now. Isn't it awesome?
The Bigger Picture: Muppets, Avengers, and Life In The Age Of Fanfiction A friend of mine, one of the ones with the podcast who had me on as a guest to talk about fandom this summer, posted this article on Facebook a while back. Very interesting. Made me think.
My comment to him: I actually really love how...hopeful this article sounds. The writer is happy and excited to be in the world we are in now, getting to see the entertainment we get now. So many articles I read go on about the death of cinema and how dumb the American public is and how risk-aversion is killing art, and it's so nice to see a different point of view. And I agree with about everything the writer says, too. I'm super excited about Avengers and I don't care about Twilight, but I see the value in each. And I love the age of fanfiction and love original movies like Inception that still manage to get made and I love that everyone gets to play with what they love. :)
And hey! That video is worth watching JUST for the image of Nyan cat sleeping on the neck of an electric guitar. Awwww.