Supernatural 7.06

Oct 29, 2011 12:29

Good ep! I liked it!

FUN FUN FUN THIS PLOT WAS FUN. Pumpkin and Honey Bunny. "Real" FBI agents. Colonel Saul Tigh flinging borax on a creature that looked-like-something-it-wasn't (hellooooo, cylons!). The title was hilarious. I wasn't spoiled, so when I saw it I thought maybe Becky was back and we were in for another meta ep, which I was okay with because I have been enjoying SPN this season for the cheese without having to get emotionally worked up like I used to, and I was prepared to enjoy Samlicker81 and her attendant insanity on my screen again. But it's even better as a shout-out to Pulp Fiction, and yes, I enjoyed the ep, it was good, it was fun, it was enjoyable TV.

Seeing Sam and Dean gunning down an elevator full of people was chilling, though. ::shudders:: And it did bring up a few angsty feelings for me, because these boys are such GOOD guys, they are heroes, they save people, and all the public knows of them is serial killers and creepy murderers who gun down people and smile about it. It was so, so immensely satisfying when Victor Henriksen learned the truth and became an ally, because I want people to know in-universe how awesome Sam and Dean are. Saul Tigh was a mini-redux of that, and I enjoyed that. But still. To the nation in the SPN universe, Sam and Dean Winchester are horrible people, and that makes me sad. Castiel/Jimmy Novak too, from the premiere. Gah, it broke my heart to think of Amelia and Claire seeing that on the news. Even if Jimmy's still alive, can he ever go home again? It's SAAAAAAAADDDDDDD.

And of course, Victor got killed right away. And so did Saul. It's...too predictable. You know it's coming, so it doesn't hit you hard. Show, Show, your patterns are showing. Have for awhile now.

But My Little Pony on the rear-view mirror! Dean secretly loving cheesy romantic pop ballads from the 80s! SAM'S FACE WHEN HE REALIZED THIS. (Another note on the evidence pile of Dean-loving-schlock-completely-without-irony.) DEAN.

LeviaSamnDean were also funny and fun to watch. "Nah, I like his hair better." LOL. Jensen and Jared have good chemistry no matter what they're doing, don't they?

Okay, and I'm glad Amy came out. It's such a stupid secret. I didn't want it to be dragged out for any longer. Sam leaving was like...whatevs. You know it's not going to stick. And the boys, their lives are so hard, and they have to depend on each other so much and with such intensity, that maybe they just need little breaks from each other now and then, eh?

Business meeting between Crowley and LeviaBoss was very cool. Cold and calculating and creepifying. And good grief, you guys, my heart was doing an indignant little patter for Crowley, all Don't you talk to my demon king of Hell like that! Crowley is awesome! And I hate Crowley, I do, for what he did to Castiel last season, leading him away from the right choices and tugging him gently all the way down to perdition. Castiel made his own choices, but he was also naive and lost and ripe for manipulation, and Crowley knew that and took advantage.

But also, Crowley just kind of is what he is, and I sort of love him for just being purely Crowley, purely himself, predictably treasonous and evil to the core. LeviaBoss was horrible and nasty and CONDESCENDING, and that's far more loathsome, somehow, than pure evil incarnate. (Also sad that this is apparently the boss the Leviathans are taking orders from, and not someone still in Castiel, because I want to see Castiel again and that's totally what I was expecting. Oh well.)

I loved Bobby and Jodi. I really did. If they kill her I will be so pissed. Their interactions felt real and mature and sweet. Also loved the glimpses into Bobby--he was neither over-used nor under-used in this episode, not a Deus ex Bobby box of info, but feeling like a real character with his own background. The bit about his dad made my heart swoop around, for sure. Oh, Bobby. I'm glad he has hope. I hope his hope has a chance.

I liked this episode. I like Supernatural again. I don't love it, though, I'm not passionate about it the way I used to be. Show killed that when they killed Jo and Ellen, I think. When I look back on when my feelings changed, I think that was when it happened. Because that was a GOOD episode. It really, really was. But their death was calculated by the writers for maximum impact, and I knew it, and it was COLD, and I hated them for the doing that to me. For bringing them back and reminding me that I loved them, just to kill them off ten episodes in to the Apocalypse. My love for Show still held on in fits and starts, mostly sustained by my unreasonable adoration for Castiel, and I still like fandom, obviously. But I don't think the passion will ever come back.

I can't get worked up over this show, anymore. It might be a good thing, but it also makes me a little sad. My feelings have changed. I was reading old episode reactions of mine recently, remembering how it felt to be THAT gleeful and excited and disappointed when things went bad. I remember those feelings, but I don't have them anymore. Even rewatching those episodes doesn't awake the same things in me that it used to.

So yeah. I'm still a fan. This still is one of my favorite shows. But it's not an obsession anymore. And that's okay. I'll find a new one. I always do.

Gonna keep SPN for booty calls, though. Nothing like this show to give me a good roll in the angsty-h/c-manpain-hay when I want one.

It was a good episode. I liked it.

supernatural ep

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