Show me your teeth

Oct 22, 2010 20:11

O hay, gaiz! sharp_teeth is back!

A gen-oriented, horror-themed comment meme
[Click on the image to go to the meme.]
Banner courtesy of animotus

If you don't remember or don't know, this is a gen-oriented multi-fandom horror comment meme, and it is teh ossums! I would in particular like to direct your attention to this:

Watch for the Greenwitch by fulselden
The offering to the Greenwitch always looks tangled and cold. Jane is cold, too.
ensemble - T Warning: bad things happen to Jane in this story, without her consent.

OMG, guys, The Dark Is Rising! ::flails:: BOOKS, not ineffectually awful kid-movie-abomination-thing. That series was such a cool part of my childhood. And this take on the Greenwitch stuff is awesome and awful in all the best ways. READ IT READ IT.

And if you are a writer or a reader, oh please, go look at the sixteen pages of prompts (and counting)! There are many, many fandoms, though it is somewhat skewed toward SPN, since the creators and many of the participants are active in that fandom.

::shoos you off:: Go have fun playing in the dark! Don't come back until you're at least a little bloody!

the dark is rising, fandom, fic rec

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