with their crooked stares

Jun 18, 2010 08:45

For the interested, jujuberry136 has good thoughts about those Season 6 Criminal Minds casting spoilers. Well, more like good rants. But I found them very articulate and thought-provoking and I agree with everything she said.

In her extremely excellent link round-up on the recent unfunny business, amazonziti said something in this thread (which is also an excellent ( Read more... )

racism, criminal minds, incoherent rambling

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maychorian June 18 2010, 13:57:09 UTC
Maybe I'm in the wrong corner of fandom, but I have not seen a witch hunt. I have seen people talking about the story and the larger issues raised by it. I have seen people who are angry and hurt at the racist tropes that permeated it. I have seen people flabbergasted by the insensitivity and thoughtlessness inherit in the very premise. I have seen people ask for an apology, I have seen people hoping that the writer and the artist will understand exactly WHY her actions were hurtful and offensive, I have seen people disappointed by the writer's apology because it was still focused on herself and not the people she hurt, and I have seen true pleasure and delight at the artist's sincere apology and meaningful actions.

I think perhaps our definitions of what constitutes a witch hunt might be different. But that's beside the point.

The point is, as sorry as I feel for the writer and how this has become so much bigger than herself, her embarrassment is not more important than the pain of those she hurt or the need of others to understand what happened and how to prevent it in the future.


adrenalineshots June 18 2010, 15:18:24 UTC
So... you haven't read the story, just other peoples' opinions and interpretations of what's writen?
Like Calamitycrow says below, discussion about racism is way too important to be treated in the manner it has been in this matter. It's being trivialized and used for other purposes.

And I agree, we do not have the same definition of witch hunt :)
No hard feelings?


maychorian June 18 2010, 15:33:10 UTC
I read the summary, the author's notes, and the excerpts. There was enough there to see what was wrong with the premise, the mindset, and the characterization.

I understand that you weren't offended. But just because you weren't offended personally does not mean that the story wasn't offensive to others.

I really don't see how racism is being trivialized in this discussion or used for any other purpose than to discuss racism.

No hard feelings.


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