with their crooked stares

Jun 18, 2010 08:45

For the interested, jujuberry136 has good thoughts about those Season 6 Criminal Minds casting spoilers. Well, more like good rants. But I found them very articulate and thought-provoking and I agree with everything she said.

In her extremely excellent link round-up on the recent unfunny business, amazonziti said something in this thread (which is also an excellent ( Read more... )

racism, criminal minds, incoherent rambling

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archaeologist_d June 18 2010, 13:29:17 UTC
You know, I don't know what started it or what is going on but I do have to say something.

Racists come in all colors. Just because she's a person of color - as if a white person has no color which is ridiculous because we all colored - doesn't mean that she's not racist just as a white person may be racist as well. Or both of them might not be racist. I'm getting really unhappy that just because a person is white, they are automatically assumed to be racist. And that is racist in of itself.

If the person is in fact racist, go to it; lambast them for it. But don't assume a specific racial type = racist because racism isn't genetic, it's learned.

And that's the end of my speech.


maychorian June 18 2010, 13:49:38 UTC
Hmm. I see what you are saying, but that's not what was said here. Nowhere did amazonziti say that white automatically equals racist. She is speaking of a particular group of white people who are racist, even "unintentionally," as if intention matters when we are talking about something like this. And she is saying that it is not her job to educate them or make them feel better. Which it isn't. That's all she was saying.


archaeologist_d June 18 2010, 14:08:35 UTC
I've read enough race!fail discussions to have seen this type of behavior. I've been accused of being racist because I had the gall to suggest that others (including myself) had also been discriminated against in hurtful, economic and degrading ways but how dare I compare the two. It may be that amazonziti is correct in this instance (I don't know since I haven't read the story) but I've seen people accusing people of being racist just because they aren't PoC. A sad, sad commentary.


maychorian June 18 2010, 14:19:05 UTC
I'm sorry that happened to you. I have the disadvantages of being fat, a woman, working class... Discrimination happens. Just because racism is the current topic of discussion does not mean other types of discrimination don't exist. Too often what should be a rallying point becomes an opportunity for division instead, and I'm sorry that happened to you.


archaeologist_d June 18 2010, 14:32:13 UTC
Yes, it should be a rallying point to bring people together to fight against all forms of discrimination. Should be.

Sorry about getting upset. It's a sore point with me.


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