From Twitter 05-10-2010

May 11, 2010 04:12

  • 11:53:47: New LJ Post: Artist Squee!
  • 19:54:00: SW RPG, and we are plotting how to kill the NPC called Crack so we never have to make another Crack joke again.
  • 19:54:37: Which of course means that we are making jokes about how it is "Time to wipe this crack," and "He's been a stain on this asteroid too long."
  • 19:54:54: Also we have a ship called The Fission Pigeon.
  • 21:22:00: @ Mello_McQueen It's gonna be okay, bb! ♥
  • 21:41:53: BWAHAHA CRACK IS DEAD! Josh's one-liner? "Up yours, Crack!" And then he shot him and he died. It was awesome.

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